Water Scarcity Research Paper

Words: 857
Pages: 4

Theoretical Framework
Thesis statement
Introduction of Water Users
Body develop idea
Introduction of Governance Syetms
Body develop idea
Introduction of Resource Systems
Body develop idea
Introduction of Resource Units
Summary of the idea of essay

The relative water scarcity is ironic situation in water abundant area. It is not about the absence of water. The situation like this happened in almost of in developing country. Water, especially springs water, is a common property. It can be manage by state, community or no one (Schlager and Ostrom, 1992). Even water spring is belong to state, some of state try to give their authority to private sector

The relative scarcities is a complicated bu the contradiction between agendas and actions. It has been affected to water as a public good and human rights and the walue of water as an essential and profitable commoditiy. The relative water scarcity is talking about the water in valued. Its mean the cultural meanings as well as economic value. It give also middle effect in reative level of access and pattern fuse. The last part is the relative degrees of control over water management and distributina. Water as one of the major problem worldwide which have a potential lost. It is causec by human whose used the resource as embedden in complex social ecological system (SeSs). It is compesed of the multiple subsystems and internal variables. The subsystems consist of user, sovernance systems, resource systems, andrsource units (Ostrom, 2009). Each of sunsystems has the multiple secons level variables (Picture 1). The SeS is try to find the factors that affect the likely hood, It is provide a common set of potentially relevant varable and subcomponent to design data collections instrment, conduct of the field work and analysts the finding about the sustainability of complex. It alsao canshows the fear that some users will cheat on rules related to when whewn and how tratent, It also lead users to avoid changes and continue to overharvest.The relative scarcity s aspect of social realtions and transformations in the
It consist of social condition, relation siph that privilege access to some while with holding access to others.
Perhaps, in state regulation not 100% the private sector can take the water. There are some rules that the nearest society should be fulfill for their water needs. If so, the inequality access to water should not be happen. There are some factors that make the ironic situation happened. The study said that since water become a community and the flow follow the money (Woude, 2013). Here event state nor private has the negative side. The Ostrom said that market ofertimes failed but the state also do as magically acting to regulate and solve problem. Inequallity access to water grow become a conflict. It is not simple material to manage the common pool resources. It should be trace from the process of making policy which is many factors is give influence.
The stakeholder often do not explicity recognize the ways and has a low knowledge and mis of understanding frame about common pool resources management policy. It is also caudes by different interst among stakeholder. The suggestion is rising the cognitive lebel of stakeholder. Here the knowledge level of stake holder in local level derive drom personal ecperience andaa on the larger scale may reflect inference from know change