Transformational Leadership
I found an online article about the 10 characteristics of transformational leaders. I agree that all of them are important but there were five that stood out to me. These five were check their ego, organizational consciousness, adaptability, inspirational and visionary (Hogg, 2012). I feel that these attribute are all important because a leader has to be able to check their ego because a transformational leader must be able to put the organization first and not themselves. I feel that organizational consciousness ties in well with check their ego because if the leader’s goals are the same as the organization then it helps everyone but most importantly it helps the organization to grow. Adaptability is most definitely important because being flexible and willing to adapt to change helps the leader to be able to inspire others towards the shared vision. Which leads me to visionary and a transformational leader definitely needs this characteristic to be able to communicate the vision effectively to others.
Great examples of transformation leaders are those who can motivate and inspire others, put enthusiasm and energy into everything and by caring about employees and wanting them to succeed (Burns, 1978). I believe I have met two people that have these qualities. One was the office manager at a company where I worked previously and her name was Tanya. I feel that she was a transformational leader because she was always fair with everyone. She did not allow her personal feelings to get in the way of decision making. Tanya was a great coach and she set an excellent example for the company by leading by example. The other person was a manager at a call center where I was previously employed named Steve. At this particular job, there was a lot of change in the company including in the processes, employee turnover, etc. but I feel that he did a great job adapting to the changes. He was able to check his ego in order to keep his team motivated because he saw how frustrated some of us were with the changes. He was also a great mentor.
There was one