ut though war is an evil, we must recognize the fact that it is a necessary, inescapable evil. A glance at the past history of the world will show war has been a recurrent phenomenon in the history of nations. No period in world history has been free from the devastating effects of war. We have had wars of all types--- wars lasting for a year or so and a war lasting for hundred years. In view of this it seems futile to talk of permanent, everlasting peace or to make plans of the establishment of eternal peace. We have had advocates of non-violence and the theory of The brotherhood of mankind and fraternity of god. But in spite of preachers of love and non- violence, weapons have always been used, military force has always been employed. Clashes of arms have always occurred. In a world war has ways been waged. War has indeed, been such a marked feature of every age and period This has come to be regarded as part of The normal life of nations.
Poet and prophets have dreamt of a millennium - an utopia in which war will not exist and eternal peace will reign on earth, but these dreams have not been fulfilled. After the great war of 1914-18 it was tough that there would be no war for a long time to come and institutions called the league of nations was founded as a safeguard agent against the outbreak of war. The occurrence the Second World War however, conclusively proved that to think of an unbroken peace’s to be unrealistic and that no institution or assembly can ever ensure the presence of peace. League of nations was collapsed completely under the tension and stresses created by Hitler. The Uniter Nations Organisation, with all the good work that it has seen doing, is not proving as effective as was desired. A large number of wars, The most recent ones behind the one in Vietnam, the other between India and Pakistan, or Ind-China war, Iran-Iraq war or Arab Isreal war.
The fact of the matter is that, fighting is a natural instinct in peace. It is, indeed, too much to exact so many nations to live in a state of eternal peace. Besides, there will always be wide differences of option between various nations, different angle of looking at matters that have an international importance, radical difference in policy and ideology and they cannot be settled by mere discussion so that resort to war becomes very necessary in these cases. Before the outbreak of World War II, for instance, the spread of communism in Russia created distrust and suspicions in Europe. Democracy was an eyesore to Nazi Germany. British conservatism were apprehensive of the possibility of Britain being communized. In short, the political ideology of one country being abhorrent to another, the state of affairs as certainly not conducive to the