Does the theory of deliberative democracy assume human beings are qualitatively different from other animals? Why or Why not?
The theory of Deliberative Democracy is used as a discussion in a democracy to help develop legitimate public policy that is accountable to the people it governs and they allow participants of the democracy to understand and negotiate policy trade offs. The general principle of deliberative democracy is for a democratic decision to be legitimate it must be lead by authentic deliberation; meaning that it must be negotiable between those who are participating and those who are making the policies. In order to have a deliberation of in decision making you must have reason, something that human beings are born with and use when dealing with specific life changing events or for any matter that involves decision making. In the case of Biotechnology or life science, we must understand the history of nature; the history of nature was understood through gods or arbitration. In life science there are three different life class, first you have plant life then animal life, and finally human life, in comparing humans with animals the quantitative difference is none however the QUALITATIVE difference is that humans are able to reason and animals cannot. The discovery of DNA however changed the theory of life science because it discovered the essence of all life forms, the discovery concluded that all life forms are only different in a qualitative sense. When this theory is applied to the animals and humans the DNA shows that humans and chimpanzees are only 2% different from each other. This brings us to the Ethical Standard in which the question arises Can there be an ethical standard if Human beings are not quantitatively different from Animals? And the answer is yes, because humans have the ability to reason therefore the reasoning can allow humans to sign consent forms before they get tested on while animals
Hypotheses 11. One-Sample, Paired Sample, Two-Sample Independent T-Tests 12. One-Way ANOVA and Post-Hoc Analyses 13. Two-Way ANOVA and Post Hoc Analyses 14. Chi Square, Mann-Whitney U Test, Wilcoxon T-Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test 15. Creating Text and Spreadsheet Files Textbook/Resources: Johnson-Kozlow, Data Analysis Using SPSS, ISBN# 1-59159-553-3 Revised, Version 1.1. This lab manual is available at the Palomar College bookstore. Required Items: Bring…
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Jay Kassam Student Number: 14038924 ASSESSMENT # 2: OBJECTIVE WRITING MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Andrew Kopkin FROM: Jay Kassam RE: Scientology Being Viewed As Religion DATE: November 6th, 2014 QUESTION PRESENTED Is Scientology properly viewed as a religion? SHORT ANSWER Scientology as a religion when based solely on truth and the belief in reincarnation, it can be defined more as a multinational business secular organization with the religious aspect being just one of its many branches. STATEMENT…
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EBT 1 -Task 1 Selected Article from a Nursing Journal: APA Citation: Bradley, S., & Mott, S. (2010). Handover: Faster and safer? Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(1), 23-32 A2. Graphic: Background Information Traditionally nurses delivered clinical information about the patient, the clinical events on their shift and the plan of care to the oncoming shift to ensure continuity of care and to make sure that their colleagues were informed about tasks or instructions that needed to be…