Ethical Computing pg 1 of 8
Ethical Computing
Jason Ligons
INF 103 Computer Literacy
Instructor: Nicholas Otzelberger
November 10, 2014
Ethical Computing pg 2 of 8 In a world over whelming with machines and computer innovations, to often we forget how to remain ethical. “"Our society is in the midst of a revolutionary transformation—from a literary society (where information is stored in books) to a digital one (where information is stored on computers). Being digitally literate also means learning how to become a productive and ethical citizen in the information society and a member of the virtual communities that are blossoming every day (Bowles, 2013 Sec. 1.1.)” I would like to take this opportunity to examine how ethics is taught for computing in schools, what Bowles, Huff & Furchert, and Pimple agree about regarding ethical computing as well, how they are different, and my point of view on the subject. It is in my belief that we as Americans need to start having teachers in high school and before start giving lessons on computer ethics. All through high school, Heritage in Vancouver Washington from 1999 to 2004, I used computers to do much research, but back in the tern of the century, plagiarism wasn’t the primary focus, and after researching this subject it is not a primary concern today either. The reality is kids have so much to learn and research is still the fundamental lessons taught in schools, from grade school on up until one enters college (Huff, 2011). Having experienced this and seeing the rise of cyber bulling, it makes me question the intentions of teachers today. Don’t they want the best for each student? Shouldn’t basic student classes that need the use of research be teaching how to avoid plagiarism to better prepare them for the future college or otherwise? And most of all don’t they want ethical computing for student safety? These questions slip through the cracks of our school systems in America. Hate or immoral speech is used more and more often, and schools have only one response and that is, parents should be watching their
Ethical Computing pg 3 of 8 kids on the computer, yet the kids learn the most about browsing and social networking from schools. Browsing comes from the teachers showing how to research, and other students teach them social networking. Now if the problem is drugs in schools, or youth pregnancy/disease control the school systems have no issue taking the cause into their hands seeing that most of it is breeding within the schools. So in my opinion this is no doubt a school issue that our tax dollars should be going for to educate our children on, computing ethically and being ethical are life lessons that can help our future move toward progress. Moving towards progress is something most can agree on, and for Bowles, Huff & Furchert, and Pimple can all agree on. Ethics is something that is hard to maintain without education, especially with the growing number of people accessing the internet and other computing hard wares, like tablets, smart phones, game consoles, and the list goes on and on. "Computers and the Internet represent a wealth of knowledge for those who have access to them. As another old saying goes, "Knowledge is power." Therefore, it stands to reason that there are ethical issues at stake when using computers to transmit knowledge. It is vital to make sure that the world is not divided into a two-class society of "information-haves" and "information-have-nots." In one important way, the effort to help people become digitally literate will ensure that this will not happen. Those who take part in the wonderful world of computing have an ethical responsibility to understand issues of right and wrong, fairness, access, and equality that exist in the digital world. By making wise and ethical decisions, we can help ensure that power does not corrupt and that knowledge is shared equally (Bowles, 2013 Sec. 1.3)." This statement shows