Suburb/City: Postcode:
Home Phone:( ) Work Phone: ( )
Can the following details to be made available for internal use only?
Email: Yes / No Home Phone: Yes / No
Mobile: Yes / No Business Phone: Yes / No
Date of Birth: / /
Please be advised that whilst everyone is covered by our public liability insurance policy, people over the age of 85 yrs are not covered by Amnesty’s volunteer insurance policy.
Are you available on weekends for occasional work/events? Yes / No
Are you available for a minimum of 3-6 months? Yes / No
Are there any areas of Amnesty International Australia (AIA)’s work that particularly interest you?
If a student, what are you studying?
Do you have any other volunteer experience? (Please specify)
Please list any skills, experience, qualifications or background that may be useful to AIA:(eg artistic, IT or language skills)
Is your first language English? Yes / No
Are you an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident? Yes / No
If no, what type of visa do you hold? If your visa stipulates a limit on the number of hours you can volunteer please provide details: Please check with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) if you are unsure about whether undertaking volunteer work will inadvertently breach your visa conditions.
Do you have any other relevant personal details/background that you would like us to know about?