Voluntary Sector Business Study Essay

Submitted By Adam1988
Words: 517
Pages: 3

Voluntary sector case studies
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Cutting edge case studies from voluntary sector practitioners, sourced from the Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness MSc course in Voluntary Sector Management. by Luke_at_KnowHow — last modified Mar 08, 2011 01:41 PM

Case study library - your feedback needed

The Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness works with many of the voluntary sector's leading practitioners every year, encouraging them to think more critically and creatively about management issues in the sector.

KnowHow NonProfit has made some examples of their work available below, and we'd like to know whether this is something you find useful.

Please look through the three samples of case study research. Is this the kind of information that you would find useful in your job? Are we on the right track? Any thoughts welcome.

Please note: these case studies are not to be treated as authoritative guidance. They are individual snapshots of how different organisations dealt with voluntary sector management issues. Where possible we've linked to further guidance on each topic.

Resource management: a case study of the redundancy process

by Elaine Hill, Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness

This paper examines how the financial position of a charity led to the decision to close one of its services, resulting in redundancies for a number of employees. It explains how the charity ensured that the redundancy process complied with employment law and statutory requirements. It also highlights the importance of planning and effective communication throughout the redundancy process.

Download 'Resource management: a case study of the redundancy process' (PDF file, 1.2Mb)

For further information about the redundancy process, have a look at thestaff retention and loss section.

Managing a small cultural organisation in a global recession

Helen Meany, Cass Centre for Charity Effectiveness

In 2009, Irish Theatre Magazine saw a significant drop in the level of funding it received from the Arts Council. To ensure the publication’s survival in a