1. Conjectured - to conclude or suppose from grounds or evidence insufficient to ensure reliability. -The way she talked during the story conjectured to be more made up then real.
2. Garrulous - excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters. - The kid was a garrulous character; not knowing when to stop.
3. Dilapidated - reduced to or fallen into a partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear, or neglect. -
4. Monotonous - lacking in variety, tediously unvarying - The scenery was very monotonous and flat.
5. Exhorter - to urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently. - She exhorted the plans to be at olive garden instead of the hometown restaurant down the street.
6. Ornery - ugly and unpleasant in disposition or temper. - No one can get along with my ornery mother.
7. Thronged - a multitude or people crowded or assembled together; crowd. - Everyone thronged into the gym for the assembly.
8. Lattice - a structure or crossed wooden or metal strips usually arranged to form a diagonal pattern of open spaces between the strips. - The windows had a beautiful lattice form to them.
9. Compliance - the act of conforming, acquiescing, or yielding. - In order to stay in compliance with the ruled of the pool, we had to keep our puppy out.
10. Append - to add as a supplement, accessory, or appendix; subjoin. - We ended up having to append a note to the party invited due to the printer not printing half the address on.
11. Spectacle - anything presented to the sight or view, especially something of a striking or impressive kind. - The stars make a beautiful spectacle in the sky on nice nights like this.
12. Serenely - calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled. - The landscape was serenely beautiful.
13. Countenance - appearance, especially the look or expression of the face. - The boy has a sad countenance.
14. Dangdest - damn - She had the dangdest looks or orange county.
15. Cipher - zero - We brought cipher to the party, and felt terribly about it afterwards.
16. Monstrous - frightful or hideous, especially in