Essay about Vocabulary: 13 and Harsh Military Regime

Submitted By crazyhzy13
Words: 421
Pages: 2

Dan Hayes
AP U.S History Vocabulary
1. Lord de la Warr­ He was a new governor that imposed a harsh military regime on
Jamestown in 1610. He took aggressive actions toward the Indians as well.
2. Pocahontas­ She was the daughter of Chief Powhatan. She is best known for assisting colonial settlers at Jamestown.
3. Law of Primogeniture­ This is a law that gives the right to the firstborn child to inherit the entire estate. This law excludes the female children.
4. Anne Hutchinson­ She held Bible meetings for women and men; eventually she began proclaiming her own interpretations of the bible. Later she was accused of antinomianism. 5. Roger Williams­ He was an English Protestant who believed in the separation of church and state. He started the first Baptist church in America called, the First Baptist Church of Providence.
6. Jamestown­ It was the first permanent English settlement in the United States. It was one of the original eight shires of Virginia; located in James City Shire.
7. Mayflower Compact­ It was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. In 1620, the colonists who crossed the Atlantic of the Mayflower signed this document.
8. Nathaniel Bacon­ He was a colonist of the Virginia Colony. Led Bacon’s Rebellion in
1676 to murder the Indians because Governor Berkeley would not do anything about it.
9. Headright System­ It was a legal grant of land to settlers. This encouraged the importation of servant workers for masters to gain pieces of land.

10. John Peter Zenger­ He was a German­American printer, publisher, editor, and journalist in New York City. He was a defendant in a legal case that laid the foundation for
American press freedom.
11. Great Awakening­ This refers to a period of religious revival in America’s history. There were three