Visual Information Processing Paper

Words: 1591
Pages: 7

Visual Information Processing Paper
Laura Nancy Vargas
December 2, 2013
Holly Berry Perception Paper
Humans have a unique and wonderful device in how one sees. The eye and brain work together to turn the world into visual data one’s brain can understand and use. There are some eye conditions that inhibit the sight or the recognition of the shapes one sees. Research continues to overcome these conditions as well as to further understand the biochemical reaction that gives humans the sight and understanding one has of visual data. Included in the paper are some of the latest research methods.
Describe Visual Information Processing The way a human eye and brain works together to produce visual data understandable to the

First the objects are broken down into edges and bars, getting shapes of objects as well as the object’s orientation, position, width. Next hypercolumns of cells in the visual cortex receive the information broken down by which eye it came from and what section of the feature map. The feature map is important in the brain putting the vision together with depth, position, and orientation. Another visual pathway interprets the information to determine the color of things and whether they are moving or still. The depth of objects is interpreted by the brain by analyzing if objects are close together, indicating nearby objects, or farther apart, indicating more distance. The fact that each eye sees a different view of the world enables the brain to build a 3-D image of the world, this is called stereopsis. Texture is the final aspect used in creating the image one sees of the world.
Two Conditions That Impair Vision There are a number of conditions that may impair vision, these can be problems in the eye, optic nerve, or brain. Visual agnosia is a condition that makes one unable to recognize objects. This condition can be caused by general brain damage to the visual cortex or damage to the eye. Visual agnosia is broken into two classifications; apperceptive agnosia or associative agnosia. Apperceptive agnosia is the inability to recognize simple shapes or draw them when given a simple picture to copy. People who suffer