Viruses: Question and Gizmo Application Virus Essay
Submitted By Iam2T1
Words: 514
Pages: 3
Life Cycle of a Virus
Objective: To explore the life cycle of a virus and the rate at which viruses can spread.
Throughout this lesson you have been learning about small living particles that can cause a lot of damage. Viruses are small and, like protists and bacteria, can cause damage, but are they alive? You may have already explored the life cycle of a virus, including the need for a host. In this lab, we will further investigate what you learned in the lesson with some virtual demonstrations.
Materials Needed
You will need your computer, internet access, the virtual lab lesson from the Gizmo application Virus Lytic Cycle, and your lab notebook.
1. Open the virtual lab Gizmo for the virtual lab of the virus lytic cycle.
2. Download and read the Explore learning guide.
3. Begin the lab by reviewing the virus lytic cycle.
4. This exploration will allow you to investigate the life cycle of a virus over time. You will be able to see a chart and a graphic representation for the results including the number of infected cells over time.
5. Be sure to take notes as the simulation runs. These notes will be organized in the procedures and results section of your lab investigation template.
6. Observe and take notes on the bar chart and the graph. The table will ensure that you have interpreted each of these graphic illustrations correctly. Include the results of these visuals in the data section of your lab report.
7. In the analysis questions, you will be expected to explain how you might demonstrate the spreading of a virus. Be as specific as possible.
8. Complete the Analysis Questions and Conclusion.
Analysis and Conclusion Questions: Answer these questions in complete sentences. Numbers 1-5 should be included in the analysis questions section of your lab investigation report. Question 6 should be answered in paragraph form, with at least 5 complete sentences in the summary portion of your lab investigation report.