Violence and video games NGS Essay

Submitted By Jamie-Burden
Words: 990
Pages: 4

Violence and Video Games
Video games have been around since computers developed into sophisticated devices with extra peripherals such as the joystick and etc. Games which are available these days do not need computers; in fact, separated gadgets and devices offer video games that can be played by attaching the devices to the television sets, online, in smart phone apps and etc. These games are available on a variety of subjects which include raiding tombs, car racing, guns and fighting, space exploration and adventurous journeys to name a few. It has been a long debate whether violence in these games has had any effects on children and adolescents in terms of aggravating belligerent and violent behavior. Studies have shown that individuals who play violent video games get more aggressive in their behavior and show a lack of sensitivity to violent behaviors around. There will be a well-researched argument in this essay that claims that violent video games increase the aggressiveness in kids and young adults, along with some opposing statements that state otherwise.
Video games have been around since the 1970’s. Back then the aura of these stimulating games felt rich as the visuals were powerful along with sound effects. Today the USA alone generates revenue of 7 billion dollars by the marketing of video games. (Massay) A new video game player can easily notice the strong visuals provided in the games especially in games which involve a lot of gun fighting, war induced visuals, digitally mastered sound effects and manual fights. Whether video games lead individuals to be more aggressive in their behaviors or not, one can easily see in studies and reports that yes these violent games can generate insensitivity when it comes to being prone to violent surroundings and incidents.

The American Academy of pediatrics makes observations in a study that extensive video games along with other media outlets such as movies, dramas and so, aggravate violence in individuals and can significantly contribute to the noxious health of people. (Rauterberg) In his report, Rauterberg mentions various sound researches such as the National Violence Television Survey that states that perpetrators of violence in television and games are offered to be attractive to the observer 44% of the time. (Rauterberg) He also points out that young adults and children who play these video games catering to violent subjects are at a great risk of exhibiting aggressive and hostile behavior as compared to those who do not indulge in aggressively designed video games.
With enough research available, an observer can understand that violence in video games leads to violent behaviors. Anything significant that an individual endures and experiences in his or her life can produce certain effects in his or her behavior, leading to several consequences and impacts. Naturally, powerfully mastered stimulating video games in which an individual becomes a gun fighter temporarily, shelling his or her enemies as shown in the games, can only induce insensitivity towards such issues and scenes. Consequently, the harmful effects become evident in the individual’s speech choices, behaviors, and daily routine and can lead to poor sleep, traumatic memories and a disturbed mind as a whole. In his journal article, Joseph R. Dominick asserts that several studies and critics have emphasized that violent video games can aggravate violent behaviors. Several psychological studies have also rendered that habitual video game players are closer to performing real life violent acts. (Dominick)
However opposing research has also been suggested that claims that significant chain between violent games and teenagers’ behaviors cannot be established. It has also been suggested that video games, despite the violence they offer, can trigger powerful imaginations and can make young adults more active in their routines. (Rauterberg) Still, one cannot deny that all the studies collected are useless