Viewing God Essay

Submitted By Kphillips21
Words: 512
Pages: 3

Viewing God Presenting faith serves to offer a guide towards the actions to be committed in the quest for moral virtue. It is essential to absorb the material being explored in order to hear the message extended through a mediator. The mediator that portrays the image of God through rhetoric depicts the message in various fashions. The most prominent methods of displaying the terms and designs involved in the application of behaviors and traits are formulated in a measure positive and negative scenes. The sermons of John Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity” and Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” speak to the actions of a Christian. They harbor many similar traits and ideals, but they attempt to impart the knowledge in very different ways and provide alternate motivations. Winthrop and Edwards both present the actions that are involved in the path of a righteous life in the worship of God. Each provides lists of measures to execute in order to meet God’s instructions. The sermons deem the application of a structure that must be adhered to through the actions of the preached. They bring to speech the notions of the morally appropriate behavior that will allot places in heaven for those that follow the words of God. Each presents the outcomes that will occur if the instructions are not executed. These similarities offer insight into the depths of God. However, the sermons are depicted in very different styles. John Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity” is designed in a measure of an uplifting nature. He details the actions in a form of loving others and understanding; he notes that there all types of people in the world, that there are at “all times some must be rich, some poor, some high and eminent in power and dignity; others mean and in submission” (Winthrop p.166). This structure of formulating the message serves to engage his listeners in a kind and loving fashion that serves to encourage similar behaviors. Jonathan Edwards’