Vietnam: Seven deadly Sins and Elliot Hamiltion Meaning Essay
Submitted By Mgknight1
Words: 721
Pages: 3
Some of the Basics First:
Full Name -- Clark Elliot Hamiltion
Meaning of Name -- Clark was picked by his mother, Elliot passed down by father.
Nickname --
Birth Date --
Astrological Sign and Details --
Birth Place --
Age --
Nationality --
Race --
Hair Color --
Hair Style --
Shape and Features of Face --
Glasses or Contacts --
Eye Color --
Skin Tone --
Scars or Distinguishing Marks --
Disabilities --
Build or Body Type --
Height --
Weight --
Speech Patterns --
Tag Words --
Gestures --
Weakness --
Special Abilities or Powers --
Family and Childhood:
Mother --
Father --
Mother's Occupation --
Father's Occupation --
Family Finances --
Birth Order --
Brothers --
Sisters --
Other Close Family --
Best Friend --
Other Friends --
Enemies --
Pets --
Home Life During Childhood --
Town or City Name(s) --
Details of Town(s) or City(s) --
What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like --
Any Sports or Clubs --
Favorite Toy or Game --
Schooling --
Favorite Subject --
Popular or Loner --
Important Experiences or Events --
Health Problems --
Culture --
Religion and beliefs --
Your Character's Character:
Bad Habits --
Good Habits --
Best Characteristic --
Worst Characteristic --
Worst Memory --
Best Memory --
Proud of --
Embarrassed by --
Driving Style --
Strong Points --
Temperament --
Attitude --
Weakness --
Fears --
Phobias --
Secrets --
Regrets --
Feels Vulnerable When --
Pet Peeves --
Conflicts --
Motivation --
Short Term Goals and Hopes --
Long Term Goals and Hopes --
Sexuality --
Exercise Routine --
Day or Night Person --
Introvert or Extrovert --
Optimist or Pessimist --
Likes and Styles:
Music --
Books --
Magazines --
Foods --
Drinks --
Animals --
Sports --
Social Issues --
Favorite Saying --
Color --
Clothing --
Jewelry --
Games --
Websites --
TV Shows --
Movies --
Greatest Want --
Greatest Need --
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home --
Household furnishings --
Favorite Possession --
Most Cherished Possession --
Neighborhood --
Town or City Name --
Details of Town or City --
Married Before --
Significant Other Before --
Children --
Relationship with Family --
Best Friend --
Other Friends --
Enemies --
Car --
Pets --
Career --
Salary --
Other Income --
Dream Career --
Dream Life --
Love Life --
Sexual Turn Ons --
Sexual Turn Offs --
Hobbies --
Guilty Pleasure --
Sports or Clubs --
Talents or Skills --
Intelligence Level --
Finances --
Greatest Strength --
Greatest Weakness --
Health Problems --
Culture --
Religion --
Your Character's Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers --
Past Lovers --
Biggest Mistakes --
Biggest Achievements --
Copyrighted 1997 by Charlotte Dillon
a) If you could have two whole weeks for vacation and go and do anything you wanted, what and where would it be?
b) If you had a weakness for one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it be and why? (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth)