There are several things I would do if I was working a crime scene. First I would start by making sure the scene was secure by taping it off with crime tape. Evidence would need to be gathered and collected so that I could get an idea of what happened. In order to get the proper evidence make sure to go over the scene with a fine tooth comb. Gather anything that looks suspicious. If you enter a crime scene and you see a gas can or anything that could have had flammable liquid in it, take it, this could help you if there was a suspicious fire at your scene. Was your victim under the influence of any alcohol or drugs? Determine this by collecting any illegal drugs or alcohol you find at the scene. Collect any tire tracks you can. This can tell you what type of wheels are on the vehicle you need to look for. If you find any firearms or knives collect them, this can help determine if it is the weapon used to kill your victim. Make sure you take the victims clothing for evidence because you never know what your suspect left behind on the victim. Swab any blood stains you find because you can always find out who it belongs to. You never know when you will get lucky and find it’s your suspects blood and not the victims. If I was collecting the evidence I would collect anything and everything I could. Stray hairs, blood, semen, saliva, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, weapons, gas cans, tire tracks, fingerprints, clothing, and pictures from the scene are all