The Overall Experience At The Museum Of Body Worlds: Pulse Exhibition
Submitted By Johnny-Mancebo
Words: 573
Pages: 3
Johnny Mancebo
Anatomy & Physiology
Professor Baronaski
On October 29, 2013, I attended the Museum of Body Worlds: Pulse exhibition. There was a tour guide that introduced herself and gave a brief introduction about a video based on the exhibit. The video was about how diseases arise from stress levels and daily needsto exceedother people’s expectations. After the video, I entered the museum and came across all the human anatomy. When I approached the organ section,I was drawn by the liver because it’s a very important organ that many humans tend to misuse. In class, we discussed how the liver was located in the abdominal pelvic cavity and how it was a very important organ but [we] didn’t get very deep into details. My overall experience at the exhibit was very informative. Moreover, it improved myunderstanding of the liver at the museum becauseI learned about different types of liver diseases, deformations and functions. The liver is a large reddish, brownishorgan on the right side of the stomach that has a few important functions in our body. The liver is like a reservoir for blood. It cleans the blood and tries to kill the bacteria that we consume. The liver also fights viruses, filters toxins,and stores vitamins that the body consumes. Without a liver a humans life expectancy won’t be every long. The liver's main job is to filter the blood and send it to the body. These are just some of the important functions that the liver performs. The liver is a vital organ that can be at risk of many different types of diseases. The liver is a vital organ because of the functions it provides to the body. Although this is an important organ, people tend to misuse it and that causes diseases to arise. A few common liver diseases are hepatitis, liver cancer, and liver failure. These liver conditions are deadly and can be critical to a person’s health. There is a long list of more liver diseases, but these are the most critical ones The liver is the largest organbut when it goes through