Definition Of Vaccination

Submitted By tonybabrrbecho
Words: 569
Pages: 3

GLOSSARY word Definition
Own definition
1. vaccination
The act or practice of vaccinating; inoculation with vaccine.
A needle that is injected inside of your body to protect you from getting sick.
2. Seizures
A taking possession of an item, property, or person legally or by force.
A breakdown when some one is having an illness.
3. Proponents
A person who puts forward a proposition or proposal.
A person who’s protecting or defending you.
4. Inflammation The reaction of living tissue to injury or infection, characterized by heat, redness, swelling, and pain
A body part that is red and swelling in pain.
5. Autism
A tendency to view life in terms of one's own needs and desires.
When someone wants something so badly.
6. Exemption
The state of being exempted; immunity.
A man you have the rights and are free.
7. Alleging
To assert without proof.
Don’t have any evidence to show.
8. Arthritis
Acute or chronic inflammation of a joint, often accompanied by pain
When someone is helpless or have a serious disease
9. Rubella
A usually mild contagious viral disease characterized by fever, mild upper respiratory congestion, and a fine red rash lasting a few days.
When a rash or mark is still in your body for a period of time.
10. Trajectory
The curve described by a projectile, rocket, or the like in its flight.
A path that shows you direction where you’re going.
11. Tetanus
A state of sustained contraction of a muscle during which the muscle does not relax to its initial length or tension, induced by a rapid succession of stimuli.
An infection that is still not heals for the past days.
12. Mandatory
Having received a mandate, as a nation.
To be force or demand or required to do something important.
13. smallpox
An acute, highly contagious, febrile disease, caused by the variola virus, and characterized by a pustular eruption that often leaves permanent pits or scars.
A rash or mark that’s located in your body and cane be spread quick when someone is near you.
14. Polio
Americanism; shortened form
A cell that is located in your brain and spinal cord.
15. Herd immunity
The immunity that occurs when an entire group of animals or people become immune to a particular infection, as with universal vaccination.
When a group of animal have a