Using A Possible Solution For The Statement Of A Hypothesis
Submitted By Davidbondddd
Words: 389
Pages: 2
Imagine a teacher holding a glass jar above a burning candle. The burning candle is sitting on top of 2 metal rods in a shallow glass pan of clear liquid. The liquid covers the metal rods. The teacher holds the glass jar above the candle while asking students to draw near to make careful observations. Students take some time to settle before the teacher explains that she is about to lower the open jar over the candle placing it on the metal rods so that the mouth of the jar is below the surface of the liquid but rests on top of the metal rods. A space will remain between the bottom of the pan and the lip of the jar. She may also invite students to offer their predictions. The teacher holds the jar above the candle throughout this as student’s offer explanations and predictions.labLab Report Template
Title: * a brief, concise, yet descriptive title
Statement of the Problem:
* What question(s) are you trying to answer?
* Include any preliminary observations or background information about the subject
* Write a possible solution for the problem.
* Make sure this possible solution is a complete sentence.
* Make sure the statement is testable, an if-then statement is recommended to illustrate what criteria will support your hypothesis (and what data would no support the hypothesis).
* Make a list of ALL items used in the lab. Alternatively, materials can be included as part of the procedure.
* Write a paragraph (complete sentences) which explains what you did in the lab as a short summary.
* Add details (step-by-step) of your
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