User Logon Scripts Are Applied In This Order

Submitted By 2ZOO
Words: 548
Pages: 3

a. Administrative Templates b. asynchronous processing c. Block Policy Inheritance
d. Default Domain Controller Policy
e. Enforce f. GPO Inheritance g. local GPO
h. Loopback Processing i. LSDOU j. multiple local GPOs ___e____ 1. Configuring this setting will prevent a GPO’s settings from being overwritten by another GPO that is applied later in the inheritance process. ____j___ 2. By default, GPOs are applied in this order. ____f___ 3. Computers in child OUs will receive GPO settings applied to a parent OU through this process
. ___b____ 4. User logon scripts are applied in this manner.
____a___ 5. These are used to define registry- based policy settings in the User Configuration and Computer Configuration nodes. ___h____ 6. Use this option to configure GPO settings for a particular user based on the location in Active Directory of the user’s computer. ___J____ 7. This option will allow you to configure separate local GPOs for administrators and non- administrators on a Windows Vista computer. ___c____ 8. This setting is configured at the container level and prevents default GPO inheritance. ___d____ 9. This GPO is linked to the Domain Controllers OU by default in a Windows Server 2008 domain. ___g____ 10. This is the first GPO applied during normal GPO processing.

Multiple Choice
1. What is the process of applying a Group Policy Object to a particular container, such as a site, domain, or an organizational unit? a. Linking b. Inheriting c. Configuring d. Applying
2. Which folder stores policy settings, such as security settings and script files?
a. Group Policy Container (GPC) b. Group Policy Object (GPO)
c. SYSVOL d. Group Policy Template (GPT)
3. Which technique allows you to specify individual users or groups within a container who should or should not receive the settings configured in a particular GPO?
a. Block Policy Inheritance b. Security group filtering
c. Linking d. No Override 4. Which utility is used to edit the settings contained in an individual Active Directory Group Policy Object?
a. Group Policy Management Editor b. Group Policy Management Console c. GPResult d. Resultant Set of Policy 5. What is a new feature in Windows Server 2008 that allows you to configure a GPO “pattern” that you can use to create additional GPOs beginning with the same settings in the pattern?
a. Group Policy Container (GPC) b. Group Policy Template ( GPT) c. Starter GPO