2. MEETING DATES ---MARCH 1 2013 & OCTOBER 4 2013
5. POOCHIE//MARCH 1 2013 & LISA OCTOBER 1 2014
You asked your facilitator to review your e-mail draft. She liked what you wrote and asked you to write a summary to post in the class forum for the other students to read
Hey Charmell,
You know I have been going to school online and I am really enjoying it. I really want to encourage you to do it as well. It is so easy and completely! Oh my gosh seriously you need to try it too. Right from my home page I can access the library where I can get research done or check my papers for potential plagiarism or errors. I can access different tutorials and labs ranging from ways to avoid plagiarism to java programming. I can even get assistance in math. There is a media library as well as so many other resources like a normal library. I don’t have to worry about getting in the car and going to the school to fight for a computer in their library. It is all just right here. The best part is I can do this online at home. Or when I am at work on break I can get on it from my phone. Easy stuff! Anyhow just let me know what you think. If you intrested I can give you my enrollment adviser number so you can call her and you can talk
Journal Entry #2: Myths and Facts about people with disabilities Kylie McCue: 100977034 Dr. Roy Hanes October 1st, 2014 DBST 1001 A I found that the readings due this week were particularly interesting. Considering I have a younger sister with autism, I happen to hear myths a lot. Myth #6: People with disabilities are more comfortable with “their own kind”. I know this is untrue especially for my younger sister, Mia. Mia loves to talk to everybody and make them feel like…
Tech mandatory: Innovation Emerging Technology - Automatic 1) What are the benefits of this new technology? The benefits of Automatic are that the technology learns about your driving style and it improves the driving skills. It also monitors the car’s health and warns you if something is wrong, tells you on how to save on fuel and gas, it calls 911/000 when in emergency and alerts the station know where you are located and it also helps people find where they parked their…
Also, after conducting further research it leaves consumers “stuck” in a sense, consumers do not have the freedom of choosing something as simple as computer software because firms want to monopolize the market and choose what they think is best for us therefore limiting consumers into buying that one particular product. An example of how monopoly could work in the markets favor is if there was a significant increase…
Licence Application (You must live in NSW to be issued with a NSW Licence) Learner Licence - Car, tractor, implement, light rigid vehicle and medium rigid vehicle. Driver Licence National Heavy Vehicle - Vehicles with 3 or more axles and more than 8 tonnes gross vehicle mass. Driver Licence Motorcycle Rider Licence Office Use Customer number Attachments Proof of Identity (To be produced each time you attend a registry or a service centre.) To get a New South Wales licence you must prove your identity…
“This ‘brave new world’ is the work of a secret society of astronomers, biologists, engineers…” (72) Created a “world” in a book, in their minds, that we can either accept or just ignore. 2) The “I” of Borges is the narrator of this story and he takes us into his mind, into a world of fantasy that is seen as his reality. The Borges connects this story to his real life and wants to make himself believe it’s real and in doing this Tlon is now a real world in the “I” of Borges. “A first person novel whose…
ENGL 1001 17 September 2013 What Is Love? Who can really explain love? Almost everyone in the world uses the word love when saying, "I love you." One written definition says, "A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness."('Definition of love'). My definition has similarities to what experts say love should be, but not exact. I believe that one should find…
European Management Journal 32 (2014) 1001–1011 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect European Management Journal j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e m j Factors influencing popularity of branded content in Facebook fan pages Ferran Sabate a,*, Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent b, Antonio Cañabate c, Philipp R. Lebherz d a b c d Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya • BarcelonaTech, Department of Management. C. Jordi Girona, 1-3, Edifici C5. 08034, Barcelona…
FORUM CULTURE (CULTURE CAPSULES ) FR 1001 A - You may choose any CULTURE CAPSULES you wish. You will be assigned 2 of these this term. Attach one CULTURE CAPSULE at DROPBOX of iCollege/D2L by Sunday , November 3, 2013 and you will present the second one to us during the last 2 or 3 weeks of classes. NO REPEATS. NO RE-do’s. NO LATE WORK. Once you have submitted something, it is there to be graded…
any other copy besides Bioy Herbert Ashe – engineer for Southern Railway Line – lingers in the mirrors in the hotel at Adrogue Duodecimals transalting to sexagesimals? Ashe received a book printed in octavo major from Brazil, written in English, 1001 pages, called “A First Encyclopedia of Tlon. Vol. XI. Hlaer to Jangr” Book describes Tlon, a planet The citizens of Tlon were idealistic Southern Hemispere - impersonal, the world is not a collection of objects in space, but a heterogeneous series…