What Disease Causes The Kidneys To Overcompensate By Straining Within The Remaining Nephrons?

Submitted By scobba
Words: 384
Pages: 2

1. What is a physician that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of male genitourinary conditions called? Urologist is the name in a person that specializes in genitourinary conditions
2. What disease causes the kidneys to overcompensate by straining within the remaining nephrons? The answer is "Chronic Kidney Disease"
3. What are most kidney stones composed of? Most kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate.
4. What are three types of bladder stone Most bladder stones are made of calcium oxalate. Some bladder stones are made of uric acid, and may be associated with gout. Uric acid stones are particularly common in Asia. [ Another type of stone is called a triple phosphate stone because of the presence of magnesium and ammonia and phosphate. This type of stone is usually associated with chronic infection in the bladder and may grow verys?
5. A constriction of the perputial orifice that does not allow for the foreskin to fold back over the glans is called? Phimosis is a constriction of the perputial orifice that does not allow for the foreskin to fold back over the glans.
6. What is the term for the surgical removal of the uterus? A hysterectomy is major operation to remove a woman's uterus. It is carried out to treat various problems associated with periods, pelvic pain, tumours and other related conditions. [ The problem you are experiencing will determine what type of operation is required and whether the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and cervix will also be removed
7. What is