How many meetings you have had
Since the beginning of the challenge we have had an overall of five meetings.
Who has attended meetings
During the first three meetings, Sharmaine, Mariam, Reem, Wing Ka and Paddy had managed to attend. However, due to poor communication amongst the group members, Vicky managed to attend only one meeting. Since then, many changes had occurred in our team. Paddy dropped out of the course, we were able to meet up more often with Vicky and the rest of the group members, and we were also informed that Temitope, as former group member has also dropped out of the course.
Has anyone been regularly absent?
As a group, we try our best to work together and find the most convenient timings for each and one of us. By doing so, all team members are able to attend all the meetings and it allows us to work together without having any member absent.
What plans/progress have you made on your challenge?
We began by allocating different tasks to each member of the group. We researched the area we were given to "plant" in and also the different places we thought would be most useful to our challenge. We then came together once again to put our ideas together and make a final decision to which places we all agreed on. Since we were definite about the places we wanted to visit, we then managed to set out a day to visit the places. We visited SAGE GreenFingers as well as Green City Action and presented our idea and plan to them. They informed us of their terms and we then decided how to act upon it. We decided on visiting Garden Gorilla as well, however, we couldn't