The large scale destruction caused by World War II, convinced the world that if the human race was to be saved from total annihilation, a powerful world organisation was necessary to safeguard peace in the world. This was a noble and sane idea. On the 24th October 1945 the United Nations Organisation, the august world body, came into existence. It was welcomed by all the nations of the world. The main purpose of this world organisation is to maintain international peace and security. Its aim is to develop friendly relations among the nations of the world. This organisation is supposed to arrange for international cooperation for solving economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems in the world. Promotion of respect for human If Though there can be no dispute about the laudable objectives |s of this world body, the functioning of the Security Council is far [.’from satisfactory. The right of veto that can be exercised by each permanent member of the Security Council has attracted much criticism. People feel that the right of veto has given superior status to the permanent members of the Security Council, while non-permanent members have been reduced to the position of second-grade members. The question of universal peace is the concern of all the countries of the world and not only of the five permanent members, anyone of whom can veto any proposal however just and fair. So the idea of mortgaging the peace of the world to the Big Powers is losing ground and a suggestion is gaining ground that the right of veto should be abolished. The General Assembly has constituted a committee to study draft amendments to the U.N. Charter and to suggest how best the powers of the United Nations could be enhanced to enable it to fulfil the objectives for which it had been founded. While most of the Veto Powers are for maintaining the status quo regarding the Charter and the Veto system, some of the developing countries have suggested the abolition of the veto power, because this power has been misused on many occasions. India’s permanent representative at the United Nations,
The United Nations Organization (UNO) officially came into existence in October 1945 after the Second World War. It was formed to replace the League of Nations, which had proved incapable of restraining aggressive dictators like Hitler and Mussolini. In setting up the UNO, the great powers tried to eliminate some of the weaknesses, which had handicapped the league. The UN charter was drawn up in San Francisco in 1945, and was based on proposals made at an earlier meeting between the USSR USA China…
War took in Prussia in the year 1970-1971 And it was against Germany France and many other countries And they fought for peace and they took the torritory of Alsace Lorraine and wound give it back either to the German or the France I don't what I'm and writing so yea and also if took in the World War One uno war lol so stuff like that and this happen until the world war ll until the Cold War or something like that I find. But we're leading about the Cold War right no and I am so curious to…
throughout his life, but made millions of people put a smile on their face. Chaplin is one of the greatest of all silent film starts of comedies. His work on and off the screen had a influence on American lives during the world wars and his talent in pantomime made the whole world laugh. Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16th April 1889 in Walworth, London (“Charlie Chaplin Bio”). Chaplin was most known of his early years in Hollywood that experienced his life with both in his films and behind the…
Approximately how much has the average life expectancy in the United States increased since 1900? Answer | a. | 45 years | | b. | 30 years | | c. | 15 years | | d. | 5 years | | | | | | | When one looks at the heart, blood vessels, lungs and respiratory tract as the locus of death on is using which of the following approaches to determine death Answer | a. | Irreversible loss of the soul from the body | | b. | Irreversible loss of the capacity for bodily integration…
This is the html version of the file Google automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web. Page 1 State Street Corridor Madison, Wisconsin Commercial Market Study Prepared for: JJR/Inc. 1 N. Pinckney Street Madison, Wisconsin Prepared by: GIBBS PLANNING GROUP, INC. 240 Martin Street Birmingham, Michigan 22 April 1999 Page 2 Table of Contents State Street Corridor Madison, Wisconsin Introduction Executive Summary…