Be able to contribute assessments
Of the development needs of children and young people
Unit 1
1.1 Observe and record aspects of the development of a child or young person
0-3 years
Physical development
Turns their head towards sound and movement. Can roll over from their tummy to their back. Raises arms to be lifted. Sits alone unaided. Reaches towards a source of food. Smiles at familiar faces and voices. Begins to walk. Builds a tower of a few bricks. Uses thumb and first to fingers to grip. Holds pencil or crayon and make marks on paper.
Social and emotional
Smiles and concentrate on adults face during feeding. Very dependent on parent or carer for reassurance and comfort. Feels calm and secure when cuddled or nursed. Can show affection to parent carer but shy towards strangers. Newborns will cry to make their needs known. Will laugh and show excitement. Can show anxiety separation from parent or main carer. Can find sharing difficult.
Visually alert. Follows parent or carer around with eyes and head.
Becoming more confident but will still need reassuring. Recognizes names, and will point to pictures within a book. Can turn pages carefully. Can identify a photograph of someone familiar or close.
Carefully watches parent or carers mouth and tries to copy the movement. Makes babbling and happy sounds. Will understand key words in sentences that are spoken to them. Will point or use single words to communicate. Listens when spoken to. Can follow simple request.
Adjusting to being outside the womb. Crying is normal. Temper tantrums. Short attention span. Easily distracted. Becomes more independent.
3-5 years
Physical Development
Can thread beads and start to use scissors. Can use pedals and steer.
Can jump with both feet together. Catches a gently thrown ball.
Can balance on one foot.
Social and emotional
Becomes more sociable and friendly with others. Will share and play with others well. Can manage personal hygiene (brush teeth by self and wash themselves with a flannel). Starts to understand rules.Starts to feel more safe and secure in different surroundings and around unfamiliar adults .
Starts to sort objects by size or by shape and colour. Can point to an object or thing after being asked to. Holds a pencil or crayon correctly. Can understand two or three simple things to do. Be able to count to ten and name colours .
Can recite rhymes and songs. Able to have a conversation.
Vocabulary extends and may start to use past tense. Starts to recognize their own name. They can hold a pencil steadily and start to copy shapes and lettering. Starts to use pictures to help follow the story. Starts asking more complex questions.
Has a vivid imagination. Ability to bargain but not reason.Fear of dark and abandonment from parent or carer.
5-7 years
Physical development
Skilled with construction toys, puzzles and colouring. Rides a bike without stabilizers. Able to do buttons and shoe laces. Jumps, hops and kicks. Able to jump from a height. Can climb confidently.
Social and emotional
Can make friends but may need help resolving disputes. Beginning to consider the needs of others and show a concern for them. Enjoys helping others and taking responsibility for themselves. Able to control their anger.
The will start to see different perspectives on the same subjects, or example (same amount of water can go into different containers) .Adds certain detail to their pictures. Can count on their fingers, and can match well. Can relate to the time of day.
Language Confuses s with th or f with th. Enjoys stories and will use the on their play.Enjoys humor.
Becoming more independent. Can become very protective over sibling or pet. Becoming less frustrated and angry. Can begin to demonstrate anger verbally (I hate you).
8-12 years
Physical development
Strength and eye coordination and stamina progress. Puberty for some girls can start.