unit 7 Essay

Submitted By doneblood
Words: 369
Pages: 2


et certain standards which are set out in legislation.
In the nursing and residential care home regulation 1984 (2002) gives the service users right to be treated equally and as an individual. It also prevents discrimination or a service user being neglected or abused. Under the nursing and residential care home regulation act1984 (2002) it is vital that all the service users are kept safe at all times and if someone is at risk of harm this should be reported immediately.
Health and social care professions should give services users the option to make their own decisions as everyone is and individual and requires different needs. Staff shouldn’t abuse or discriminate any of the service users who are using the service this is breaking the law. All service users are entitled to receive quality care and live in an environment that improves their physical and mental health. The entitlement includes freedom from neglect and abuse. Neglect and abuse is a criminal act whether they The nursing and residential care home regulation act 1984 (2002)

The nursing and residential care home regulation act 1984 (2002) is to protect service users who us the service. The nursing and residential act1984 (2002) provides restricted guidelines of how health and social care professionals should treat service users and what to do in an emergency situation. Services like nursing homes and residential care are required to meoccur inside or outside the nursing home.
If a health and