CMI Unit 5011V1 Managing Recruitment and selection
1 Understand the Impact of both the law and organisational procedures on the process of recruitment and selection 1.1 Summarise the legal instruments impacting on staff recruitment and selection 1.2 Identify organisational procedures and processes that affect staff recruitment and selection 1.3 Discuss fairness, objectivity and equality of opportunity as elements of recruitment and selections The major piece of legislation in the UK that impacts on staff recruitment and selection is The Equality Act of 2010. This statute consolidated nine separate pieces of anti-discrimination legislation into a single Act these were The Equal Pay Act 1970 The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Race This review process could be linked to a business need for example there is a planned move into a foreign market so language skills may be a desirable skill for the candidates which previously weren’t required as the organisation only dealt with the domestic market. Organisations are constantly evolving and therefore this presents challenges to move resources within the new structure but also challenges to recruit the right candidates when the opportunity arises. Again restructures are a good time to review JDs and PSs so that this work has been done should someone leave the team in the future, the cost in relation to the whole restructure would be minimal and may even be part of the decision making process for the formation of the new sub-teams in the business. Business plans should take account of the amount and type of staff needed in order to meet future demands as well as current ones. If there is a move toward self service options for customers to access services then there is less need for staff to meet the customers face to face or on the telephones. However there is a need for lower grade staff to cope with the data entry and manipulation tasks that result from an on line application process. Therefore the plan should take account of this move toward a larger proportion of lower graded jobs within the team as the new application process is taken up by the customers. The team make up can also be viewed in terms of the