Emergency Plan of Action of a Terrorist Attack
Markel Limbacker
The chief of police has asked Captain Markel Limbacker, Sr. to develop a multiagency emergency response plan. This plan should include local, state, and federal law enforcement agency to be prepared in case of a terrorist attack on American soil. This plan should include what agencies will be a part of it and why. It should entail if their current responsibilities will be negatively affected and how. Each agencies that is involved their roles should be included and who will be the leader to go to in case of an attack.
Emergency Plan of Action for a Terrorist Attack
Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) of Charlotte, NC has been chosen to lead the way in forming an emergency plan of action for a terrorist attack. CMPD has a team called the “ALERT Team” (CMPD, 2013). It stands for Advanced Local Emergency Response Team, and is a defined group of 90 members trained to respond to a terrorist attack. Captain Limbacker of CMPD East division has asked for North Caroline State Highway Patrol (NCSHP) to join forces with the emergency plan.
Captain Limbacker has asked NCSHP to join due to they will bring their knowledge of all NC highways. The NCSHP is responsible for making sure the highways are safe for all drivers and passengers. Occurring to NCSHP website, “The NCSHP’s primary mission is to reduce collisions and make the highways of NC as safe as possible” (Grey, 2014). There are over 1,600 troopers and their range of coverage is 78,000 miles of highway, this makes NCSHP highway coverage larger than any other state except Texas. With this said it is highly recommended to have the NCSHP become part of the emergency plan. If there is such an attack on Charlotte, NC; NCSHP can be dispatch to address anyone escaping on the roads. Having NCSHP also helps to try and prevent any attacks as suspicion vehicles can be spotted from Troopers on post.
NCSHP regular responsibilities will not be impacted negative at all. The great thing about using them is that they will be able to perform regular duties as watching the highways. In the mist of doing their jobs normally it will just be added to assist with watching the highways for terrorist. There will be no change to normal daily functions from NCSHP.
The FBI should be a major part of the emergency response plan. Who better to know terrorist than the FBI? It has been said after the 9/11 attacks of the twin towers in the great city of NY, then president George W. Bush and his administration declared a war on terror. This had given the FBI a more range of power to attack those who are responsible for terrorist attacks on America (Greenberg, 2011). Before the 9/11 attacks the FBI have been involved in fighting terrorist. The FBI has worked thoroughly and gathered files and information on well know terrorist and upcoming terrorist across the world. What the FBI will bring to the table is critical to the cause of protection of U.S. citizens from terrorists’ attacks.
The FBI can continue to have more in depth surveillance equipment that local and state law enforcement do not have. The FBI is able to cross state to state to reach areas not capable to be reach by others. Their sources and capability is amazing and much needed in this plan. The FBI has been given better guidelines to expand their spying power since Bush left office. The new guidelines have lowered the standard of authorize surveillance, prompting civil