Unit 3 Assignment 2 Help Essays

Submitted By Siraj-Butt
Words: 976
Pages: 4

Unit 3 Assignment 2
Marketing research and Marketing
Planning at Tesco.
P3, P4, M2, D2

Guidance on what to include
• For P3, learners should investigate the marketing research used by one organisation and link this to the development of the organisation’s marketing plans.
• To obtain the information required need to find out what market research is done and what plans are produced.
• For M2, learners should identify and explain the limitations of the marketing research methods used in the selected organisation investigated. • To achieve D2, learners should make, and justify, recommendations for improving the validity of the marketing research used in the selected organisation. • Three sound recommendations with justifications would be sufficient to achieve the criterion.

Task –What to Do
• Prepare a presentation describing how marketing research is used to create and develop marketing plans for your chosen organisation • Choose an organisation- Tesco
• Research to find out what market research- TESCO –PLC
– TESCO- Website –customer feedback
– Leaflet/forms

• Say what techniques they use- describe each one(theory) detail how Tesco do it. http://www.bized.co.uk/learn/business/index.htm Market Research- P3
• Add a general theory overview, show you know what subject matter is
• market research is
• Types of market research are
• How is it carried out
• How is it analysed
• What is it’s purpose
• How is and why is it used by Tesco

How do Tesco Carry Out Market ResearchP3
• Say what Tesco’s do to get Market Research
• Your Research

Why DO Research
• To find out what customer want, good bad points. • To decide what to buy To Sell more products= customers happy.
• Promote the company.
• Marketing- how to market when and where.
• Price Product Place People.

Marketing Research at Tesco

Tesco uses the following methods of Research

Primary research
Mention what it is, and how Tesco would do this, why Primary research (cont) their uses / advantages (i.e reduce risk in decision making, measure progress over time);
Mention the overall benefits to Tesco of using these
research techniques and limitations / disadvantages (cost effectiveness, validity of data collected
Mention the overall disadvantages to Tesco of using these research techniques

Marketing Research at Tesco

Secondary Research
Mention what it is, and how Tesco would do this, why Secondary Research (cont) their uses / advantages (i.e reduce risk in decision making, measure progress over time);
Mention the overall benefits to Tesco of using these research techniques
and limitations / disadvantages (cost effectiveness, validity of data collected
Mention the overall disadvantages to Tesco of using these research techniques

Marketing Research at Tesco
Internal/external research
Mention what it is, and how Tesco would do this, when and why


their uses / advantages (i.e reduce risk in decision making, measure
progress over time);
Mention the overall benefits to Tesco of using these research techniques and limitations / disadvantages (cost effectiveness, validity of data collected Mention the overall disadvantages to Tesco of using these research techniques Marketing Research at Tesco
Quantitative Research
Mention what it is, and how Tesco would do this, why


their uses / advantages (i.e reduce risk in decision making, measure progress over time);
Mention the overall benefits to Tesco of using these research techniques M2 and limitations / disadvantages (cost effectiveness, validity of data collected Mention the overall disadvantages to Tesco of using these research techniques Marketing Research at Tesco
Qualitative Research
Mention what it is, and how Tesco would do this, why


their uses / advantages (i.e. reduce risk in decision making, measure progress over time);
Mention the overall benefits to Tesco of using these research
techniques and limitations / disadvantages (cost effectiveness, validity