unit 22 Essay

Submitted By kayleyJF
Words: 418
Pages: 2

Unit 22 Causes and Spread of Infection

1.1&1.2- Bacteria is much larger than a viurs most of them are completly harmless and some are very useful. Meticillin-resistant-Staphylococus ureus (MRSA) which tends to be commonly found on peoples skin or in the noses of healthy people.
Viruses are tiny simple organisums that can only been seen with an electron microspcope, and virus is not able to grow or reproduce on it's own. HIV causes infection that can lead to aids which can apper within 6 weeks of entering the body. Others may not get symptoms for many years of inital infection.
Fungal infections can occur anywhere on the persons skin. Usually fungal yeasts are not dangerous. Thrush is a common infection caused by yeast which harmlessy lives in the mouth or vagina
Parasites are orgnisums that live inside humans or others who act as host. Scabies is contagious skin condition is caused by a mite. The mite cannot live more than 3 days without human host but they can survive up to a month on a human.
1.3- Infection means that the organism is present and is causing illness. It can affect any part of the body causing experience symptoms and feeling unwell. Colonization means that the organism is present in or on the body but is not causing illness.
1.4- Anytime the skin is broken there is a possibitly that the skin could get infected. Normally the skin acts as a barrier stopping infectious organisums from enterting the body. A infection may be localized which develops in one place on the body or throughout the blood stream.
1.5- By not washing your hands the correct way, not wearing gloves aprons,faliure to dispose of