Unit 206 The role of the Essay

Submitted By RebeccaAJackson1
Words: 559
Pages: 3

Unit 206 The role of the health and social care worker.


Outcome 1 - Understand working relationships in health and social care

1.1 - Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship

The difference between a working relationship and personal relationship is that a working relationship is strictly professional and involves codes of conduct, policies and procedures. Although you have to be professional in your work place you still would be friendly and treat people equality as role and responsibility you would not share personal information as you would with friends. A personal relationship as an emotional attachment due having family and personal friends.

1.2 - Describe different working relationships in health and social care settings

In the health and social care setting there are many different working relationships. These relationships which include colleagues, manager, other professionals such as doctors/district nurse, service users and their family and friends. For each you develop a different type of working relationship and some will be more formal than others e.g. You would not address a visiting doctor in the same manner as you would a service user and you would not address your manager in the same way as you would a colleague although you must ensure that you maintain a professional manner.

Outcome 2 – Be able to work in ways that are agreed with the employer

2.1 – Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role

It is important to adhere to the scope of your job role as this sets out boundaries in your job role, enables you to know your role and responsibility, knowing your own level of competence and skills, to know your job role, if someone asked you to do another role it wouldn’t be ok if you carried out the tasks because you aren't trained for it and you could injury yourself or others around you

Outcome 3 – Be able to work in partnership with others

3.1 – Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others

It is essential that you work in partnership with all of the people surrounding the individuals you are supporting in order to ensure the best possible support and care is provided. This will include carers, families, advocates and