Unit 2 Assignment And Description Essay

Submitted By babygirl048
Words: 340
Pages: 2

Title: The Self-Directed Search & Interest Assessments Exercises
The Second Unit of the course will cover John Holland’s Self-Directed Search Theory & RIASEC typologies for personalities and environments in order to closely examine the use of assessments and Interest Assessment Exercises for constructing the career management plan. The unit will identify the linkages between various occupations to various personality types and demonstrate how interest assessment exercises positively influence person to job fit.

Suggested Reading 1 Case Study “Weathering the Great Recession: Psychological and Behavioral Trajectories in the Transition from School to Work”
Suggested Reading 2: “John Hollands A Theory Ridden Approach to Career Assistance”

Assignment 1 & 2
Due Date: Due 11:59 PM CST on Sunday, 2/22

Individual Project
Complete ONet Interest Profiler Short Form
ONet Interest Profiler Short Form: http://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip
The link is located at the “resources” tab and titled accordingly

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on at least two other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

Discussion Board
Review the archived PowerPoint presentation and other related course materials and complete assessment for the week to help answer the DB questions above. Post your response to the appropriate discussion thread and respond to two other postings.

1. What conclusions have you drawn from the assessment?
2. What