My Career in Psychology
Wendy S. Berg
Capella University
As stated previously in Unit 3, vision and goals for becoming a psychology practioner-scholor are to work with Wounded Warriors in the areas of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and Suicide. The current programs in line for our veterans and current service members do not seem to be working. There are 22 suicides everyday and that is insanely high. I would like to create a rehabilitation program for when our service members are done being in theater and integrate the service dog into this.
Competencies and Requirements The first step into my process of becoming a practioner-scholar is finishing the Masters in Clinical Psychology at Capella University, from there I would like to enter a PhD program. With all of this combined, it looks to be about 7 to 8 years of schooling. Upon graduation, I am hoping to gain employment with Veteran’s Administration in their PTSD section. Veteran’s Adminisrtation has what is called the Psychology Training Council. The VAPTC provides internships, post doctoral fellowships, pre doctoral practicum and various other training in the field of psychology. Other training that will be useful for my field of PTSD, would be Eye Movement Densitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) training. This type of training is key within the field of combat because this about trauma. Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged Exposure Therapy and
Unit 10- understand child and young personal development 1.2 When viewing a child's development its key to remember to do this in an holistic way as children all develop at different rates Most children will follow a pattern of development, which consists of the rate and sequence of development; but it will depend on the child the age at which the target is met may vary. The main difference between the rate of development and the sequence of development is that the rate of development is…
Unit Ten: Affirmative Action & Sexual Harassment 10.0 Introduction In Unit 9, we looked at employment discrimination, anti-discrimination law, and the burdens placed on women by family responsibilities. We took a factual and historical approach to workplace employment policies, and reflected on the role of work in our lives. In this unit, we will focus on affirmative action and sexual harassment, two of the most hotly debated issues in human resources ethics. There are many philosophical arguments…
UNIT 10- LEAD AND MANAGE A TEAM WITHIN A HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE OR CHILDRENS AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S SETTTING. *NOTES IN HERE ABOUT SYER AND CONNELLY Bruce Tuckman described four stages of team development in 1965 (as Detailed below) Looking at small teamsin a variety of environments, he recognized the distinct phases they go through, and suggested they need to experience all four stages before they achieve maximum effectiveness. He refined and developed this in 1977 in conjunction with…
1.1 For me, within my responsibilities I would explain my practice of equality as the way in which I treat every child and visitor as an individual. Equality means to treat them equally and not the same as one child’s needs may be greater than another person’s needs however I would show each child equal respect. I don’t treat people differently based on their gender, race, age, culture or religion. If a person has a disability I do not treat them with any less respect and attention. I provide every…
NT 1310 Unit 10 Lab Max Haney 11/18/2014 Building a New Structure- Problem Analysis Errors are common in communication systems due to various reasons like noise, interference, inter-modulation, echoes, signal fading, equipment limitations, etc. Though optical fiber medium is considered to be the best medium, we know that practical media cannot be hundred percent error-free. Here is a list of standard problems in most fiber solutions: Bit-Error-Ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of bits…
Unit 10 Principle of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate To share information, opinions and ideas with others, to give instruction and to ask any questions, to express their needs and feelings, to give instruction and encouragement to others, to socialize with, tell stories and comfort others. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social Care setting All individuals communicate to ensure that their preferences…
Michael Sherman Unit 10 Lab Chapter 14 is about developing a Disaster Recovery Plan to help mitigate risk. A DRP is a plan on how your business will react and recover from a disaster by restoring a critical business process or system to operation. A DRP or several DRPs could be included in a Business Continuity Plan. A DRP will most likely include a purpose. This can include anything from saving lives to ensuring the continuity of your business by recovering from a disaster. The success of…
Unit 10 M2 Customer 1 James Howard is a Senior Manager for an International Hotel Chain and he is based in London. He wants to go to Las Vegas for 4 days, staying in the hotel and casino Monte Carlo. Has he is business person I have booked him a ticket him a business class ticket to Las Vegas which means that he will be having a comfortable flight and that he will be able to do his work while he is on the plane. For the in the hotel Monte Carlo I have booked him a spa suit; staying five nights…
Unit 10 Corinthians Sara Adams Paul was sent with a purpose to spread the word of God to unbelievers. While he was in Corinth, he spoke of Gods word to the Jews and Gentiles. At this time, Jesus was crucified, by the Romans. But for many Corinthians, the Romans were the good guys. So, Jesus must be to blame for his own crucifixion. After all, he was a seditionist, keeping company with zealots, undermining the imperial health and tax systems, proclaiming the in-breaking of an alternative empire. To…
In the following task I will be discussing the positives and negatives of my sampling and research methods which I had chosen to decide whether there is a market for an Internet Café in Tilehurst and how they impacted my decision. Sampling • Methods chosen When I decided my research methods I had to sample my research, I chose Cluster and quota sampling. I used these sampling methods on my research methods which were surveys and internet. Below I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of sampling…