Underground Railroad Research Paper

Submitted By wboyd96
Words: 1237
Pages: 5

The Underground Railroad

Throughout the course of the late 1700’s the continual growth of freed African American slaves became apparent to the publicity of the United States, ; coupled with the rapid disappearance of southern slaves, voiced the humble beginnings of the Underground Railroad. The continually valiant struggle of the Abolitionist became common ground for northern and southern states, but these legal squabbles did little effort to truly free the slaves. Immediate action was believed to be necessary, and with constant flares of previously unknown injustices brought to public light with famous literatures such as Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and other scripts, unraveled the true face of slavery, painted in the minds of the common citizen. The Underground Railroad acted as a saving grace, though not largely successful, it provided hope of freedom, and a better life for slaves.
This new loose network of anti-slavery northerners illegally helping slaves reach safety, dawned a new era of secrecy, and promise for the slaves in the United States. While public affairs concerning popular Abolitions Fredrick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and individuals in the masses of abolitionist, were necessary for the struggle publically, the railroad required conductors; individuals who would be willing to sacrifice for those slaves in need. The vast requirement of cooperation for this network, would lead to the construction of safe houses, spread throughout the states. The pressure, and uneasiness that escaping slaves face were monumental, considering the harsh repercussions of capture and in knowing this the conductors not only operated as transporters, but as facilitators of calmness amongst the slaves. While the wheels of the Underground Railroad began to turn, and became prevalent in the 1800’s, the southern tension brewed potential disaster publically. Slave owning citizens perspective, viewed the situation as incredulous; commencing the first steps into the antebellum for the Civil War.
While not all abolitionists achieved success and notoriety in their pursuits, the broad-spectrum idea was spread amongst the states. This movement of anti-slavery was not just notable individuals working in concert, but a mass gathering of similar minded citizens, believing in a common concept. Deriving from the humble beginnings of the Quakers, several groups of not only people of color but white citizens began to make every effort in bringing justice to the slaves. Even though the center of controversy was in the United States, the foreign country of Canada was a strong subordinate in the abolitionist movement; Issuing slave settlements in Canada, not only for the benefit of the slaves but for Canada as well. The slaves provided a buffer, in which the Country could resist absorption into the United States. In another benefit to their cause abolitionist had no reserves in using the safe havens of Canada as another benefit to their cause.
In the constant struggle of northern and southern politics, the Abolitionist acted as the face of the anti-slavery controversy. Famous orator Fredrick Douglass being a former slave himself devoted his life to provide an equal perspective of the slaves; using his self written famous novel Life of Fredrick Douglass an American Slave, to ignite interest and engage citizens in the ongoing fight. Uprising issues in compromising whether violence or legal drive, should be put into operation, spelled out downfall amongst the Abolitionist ranks; eventually through the combined force of respected abolitionist such as Harriet Tubman, a middle ground was met, utilizing the quite determination of force with the practice of legal drive. Though each Abolitionist acted as a driving force themselves, they often supported each other in their times of need; Sojourner Truth another famous anti-slavery and woman’s rights orator, acted as a ‘golden thread’ of sorts; comprising and tighten the differences of