Understanding How to Support Positive Outcomes for Children and Young People (CYP M3.7)
Unit Number 4222-349
The children's environment in which they are brought up in can impact greatly on their development. There are three areas in which development can be effected. They are Social , Economical and Cultural. Economically if children come from a household were both parents are unemployed this may lead to the child having a life of poverty.This can lead to them lacking basic amenities such as food 7 clothing , gas and electric. Children from different cultural backgrounds are often' segregated or stopped from participating in certain activities within a setting.
The government produced a green paper to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential .The document was titled Every Child Matters ,which had five outcomes -
The right to be healthy The right to be safe The right to achieve economically
The right to contribute positively to society
The right to enjoy life
If a child lives in poor housing conditions such as lack of space , cold and damp this can effect their health and therefore effect their development. If a child is under the care of a parent or parents with substance or alcohol abuse they are more likely to suffer from neglect, low self esteem and further poverty. If there is an absent family member due to being placed in prison or a bereavement other dependant family members may display depression and this in turn could lead to neglect of a child's needs.
If a family has a lack of income this can lead to a lack of basic needs such as food clothing and heating. Without these basic requirements it is had for a child to function probably . If a parent cannot work due to a disability and the child then becomes their main carer this can certainly restrict a child's development. This can lead to a child missing their schooling and therefore missing out on their social and mental development. A parent may be dependant on alcohol or drugs which may consume most of the family income this again can place a child into prolonged poverty.
Most Children are brought up following their parents beliefs .Sometimes the religious or ethnic beliefs of a family can lead to a child being segregated or isolated . The child may feel pressure from parents to follow their beliefs . The child may also feel that they are under achieving due to this continued pressure . This can then lead to them actually failing to achieve .
The importance and impact of poverty on outcomes and life chances for children and young people as Abraham Maslow proposed in his hierarchy of needs , is dependant on basic needs. These needs must be met before you can go on to further develop, poverty has an adverse effect on all basic needs, if a child lacks basic needs such as food , water, warmth and clothing this can effect all,other other developmental needs. Parents who fail to provide such basic needs will possibly lack funds to offer other life experiences . Research has proven that children who are not stimulated propably will fail to develop normally. They must have toys and the spoken word otherwise they will lack the means to explore .
Children Most Likely to Encounter Poverty would be -
. Looked after children.
. Children with Unemployed parents.
. Children who's parents have a substance or alcohol addiction.
. Children who's parents may have a physical or mental disability.
. Children from ethnic minority backgrounds.
. Children with Lone Parents.
. Children who's parents are in prison.
The government has services to combat child poverty such as , Surestart and Flying start, which gets into family homes and enables early intervention and offers support through multidisciplinary work. Schools offering breakfast clubs to enable that children start the day with a good meal and also helps parents with flexibility to their working hours.
The United Nations for the rights of the Child (1989) is a document which