Ultrasonography Case Study

Words: 1127
Pages: 5

Background: Ultrasonography is very sensitive in detecting cystic lesions of liver, which helps in
Detecting various lesions, along with the internal structures of the body. One gets an opportunity to evaluate additional information of other abdominal organs, that can modify the course of treatment and prognosis of patient.
Aim: To evaluate the Demographic Variables, Symptomatology Ultrasonographic features and the
Diagnostic Accuracy, with the help of Ultrasonography, in evaluating Cystic Lesions of liver.
Material and Method: The study comprises of 50 patients with the clinical symptoms of Cystic
Lesions of Liver. They were evaluated with Ultrasonography of Abdomen. Where cystic lesions of liver were taken, who needed follow up and interventional

Key words : Liver abscess, liver Cyst, Hepatocellular Cyst, USG


Liver plays an essential role in metabolism of Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Lipids and synthesis of Proteins. Basic Pathophysiology of cystic lesions of liver usually represents failure in one of these metabolic pathways1. The diagnosis of these lesions rests on Physical Examination, Laboratory Investigations and Newer imaging techniques. Radiological technique like Ultrasonography has a role in evaluation of liver diseases2.
Ultrasonography is sensitive in detecting liver lesions3. It plays an important role in evaluation of liver pathology and gives clue about internal structure & idea about extent and opportunity to evaluate other abdominal organs4.
Co-relation of Ultrasonographic findings with clinical data, laboratory investigations can make definite and accurate diagnosis and help in appropriate management of patient5. It is non invasive, cheap, easily available diagnostic tool6.
The purpose of this Study is to evaluate Demographic Variables, Symptomatology Ultrasonographic features & Diagnostic Accuracy with help of Ultrasonography in evaluating cystic lesion of

Comparative Study For Age Distribution
The study conducted by Dalsania et al & Vasani et al series maximum numbers of patients were in (51-60 years) age group. In the present study maximum numbers of patients were in (41-50 years) age group. Above comparative study shows that liver pathologies are more common in middle age as compared to pediatrics & old age.
Comparative Study for Sex Distribution
In Dalsania et al series male: female was 1.5:1. In Vasani et al series male: female ratio was 4:1, while in present study male: female ratio was 1:1.
Comparative Study For Lobe Distribution
In the study of Mahajan et al right lobe was most commonly affected to be followed left lobe, while in Dalsania et al & Vasani et al & present study right lobe is most commonly affected followed by both lobes & left lobe involvement was least common.
One possible reason for right lobe predominance could be large surface area and greater blood supply to right than left lobe.
Comparative Study For Analysis Of Focal Liver Lesions
In present study show the predominance of Hydatid cyst of liver(36%) followed by liver metastases (22%). The least common lesions were simple liver