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Sign: M.safi
Fire Brigade
Electronic Tagging
Sat Nav
Thermal Imaging Cameras
Automatic Distress Signal Unit
Mobile Phone
Sat Nav
Thermal Imaging Cameras
Automatic Distress Signal Unit
Mobile Phone
Sat Nav
Thermal Imaging Cameras
Automatic Distress Signal Unit
Hand held Metal detector
Mobile Phone
From the types of technological equipment covered, you are to complete that worksheet and clearly describe the different types of technological equipment used by one selected uniformed public service. (police, fire, military – pick one)
Type of technology
A police stimulator looks like one of those fun games but it is more serious than expected as it is used to raise awareness of the roads. It’s located in the centre of 360 images and quality sound which convinces the driver and makes the scene as he is in a real road situation. This is a driving safety course for police officers by law enforcement, a stimulator is a high tech device which makes it look like you’re inside a real police car, it has a steering wheel, brakes, gap pedal, dashboard and all the police features that be in a police vehicle such as the flashing lights and sirens.
Automatic distress signal unit
This is compact, reliable and built tough and teams could rely on the range of communication as this device is effective in all tough situations no matter how hard it is. An automatic distress signal is small which only weighs 300gs, it has battery replaceable and battery powered. In the fire service the automatic distress signal unit is used if no movement is detected for a period of seconds in serious situations and then the alarm comes on automatically. In the police this button is used for safety as it is a panic button and will directly be sent to the police station and they will track your location and send support out.
Mobile phone
A mobile phone is used and carried in the police for emergency situations, a mobile phone can vary in size such as big and small, and they can give locations of where you are, send data and send text messages.
A CCTV is a camera which records and monitors areas. It can be in vary sizes from big too small. Some CCTV can rotate side to side and record everything. CCTV can be from cheap to expensive depending on the technology they have. It is used by the police to investigate incidents and also use the CCTV footage for evidence in court.
Electronic tagging
An electronic tagging keeps track of offenders in the community, it is a device that is attached to a person or a vehicle to monitor and track. An electronic tag is small which looks like a watch, it is linked to a monitored machine