|Disorder Category |Anxiety |Mood/Affective Disorder |Dissociative/ |
| |Disorder | |Somatoform Disorder |
|DSM-IV-TR Classification (Specific |General Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder,|Major depressive episode, Manic Episode, |Psychosis, Hallucinations, Schizophrenia,|
|Disorders) |Phobias, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, |Hypomanic episode | |
| |Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | | |
|DSM-IV-TR Criteria |Individuals who usually meet criteria for|People who have one or more major |Signs of the disorder must be present for|
| |more than one disorder |depressive episodes, and no history of a |at least six moths, with at least one |
| | |manic or hypomanic episode meet major |months’s duration of two or more clear |
| | |depression disorders |examples of positive or negative |
| | | |symptoms. Second, there must be evidence|
| | | |of significant impairment and |
| | | |deterioration over time in an |
| | | |individual’s ability to function in his |
| | | |or her social and occupational world |
| | | |(Hansell & Damour, 2008). |
|Biological |The biological perspective emphasizes the|Genetic, Neurochemical, and hormonal |Abnormalities in the brain function, |
| |the role of the autonomic nervous system,|factors. |brain structure, and |
| |the limbic system neurotransmitters, | |neuropsychological/neurophysiological. |
| |autoimmune processes, and genetic factors| |Genetic or viral is a question for this |
| |in anxiety disorders (Hansell & Damour | |disease. Viruses, toxins, drug use, and |
| |2008). | |prenatal postnatal injuries (Hansell & |
| | | |Damour, 2008). |
|Emotional |Fright, Nervousness, and Irritability all|Pathological mood states can be defined |Possible childhood trauma. |
| |play a part in anxiety