Type Paper Title Here in Upper and Lower Case
Type Your First Name Middle Initial Last Name
Jones International University
Type Assignment Number and Name Here
Type Paper Title Here in Upper and Lower Case Introduction text will be typed here. Your topic is already selected for you, but you need to introduce it. A position paper presents one side of an issue. The goal is to convince the reader that your research-based opinion is well-founded. State what you will set out to show the reading audience in this paragraph–this is your opinion based on the research you conducted (in other words, do the research BEFORE you write this paragraph). Type Middle Section Title Here in Upper and Lower Case Tell the audience what research you will present to support your opinion, as stated in the introduction.
Point One Subheading Here
Summarize your first research in this paragraph. Your final sentence should tie back to how this research influenced your opinion, as stated in the introduction.
Point Two Subheading Here
Summarize your second research in this paragraph. Your final sentence should tie back to how this research influenced your opinion, as stated in the introduction.
Point Three Subheading Here
Summarize your last research in this paragraph. Your final sentence should tie back to how this research influenced your opinion, as stated in the introduction.
Summarize the paper in the conclusion. Restate your opinion using different wording than you used in the introduction. Briefly discuss the research that informed your opinion, indicating which findings influenced you the most. Create a paragraph with a minimum of three sentences, maximum of five.
Do not forget to put your references in alphabetical order, by author last name. If one of your references begins with the word "The," put the rest of the name first and insert a comma, followed by the word The (example – Associated Press, The.).
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (year). Title of article/Internet page. Retrieved Month