TV Ads Essay examples

Submitted By shyboy246
Words: 600
Pages: 3

Some of my favorite commercials are Pepsi, Coka Cola, Hershey Candy bars, and many other TV ads that have an immediate effect on customers and their loyalty. Since television is a primarily visual medium, advertisers appeal to the senses through attractive sights. Commercials with special effects or otherwise high production values capture your attention, while advertisements that feature scantily clad models and spokespeople give the product sex appeal. When the customer drawn into the commercial by its attractive visuals, it has the attention and can pitch you whatever it has to offer. The more you can relate to an advertisements medium their better awareness you will have to their product and image.

Unlike print advertisements, TV commercials have the benefit of sound. The use of music in television advertisements may include pop songs meant to elicit specific emotions or brand-specific jingles. A jingle is music written specifically for a commercial and makes the viewer retain information about the product -- or even simple awareness of the product -- in his subconscious. As long as this jingle can be related to their products the company has been able to retain your attention and obtain product recognition or brand equity.

Building brand equity takes a lot of time, it adds value to products or services, it is a feeling that a consumer feels about the product or service. The basis of brand equity lies in the relationship that develops between a consumer and the company selling the products or services under the brand name. A brand is it's physical elements like logos, symbol, packaging or other feature that distinguishes the company's goods or services in the marketplace. The power of brand equity comes from strength of brand knowledge within consumer mind. Brand knowledge consists of brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness is the consumer’s ability to be recognized or recall the brand under various circumstances. Brand awareness is about creating deep attachment so that brand can be instantly recognize and where-in consumer only thinks of the brand as a consumption option. Consumers often rely upon brands to guide their purchase decisionsThese types of physical and product related association contributes towards a strong brand image. The positive feelings consumers accumulate about a particular brand are what makes