Trinity and Jesus Christ Essay example

Submitted By Kandariin
Words: 2829
Pages: 12

Suggestions for Teaching
Alma 11:1–25
Amulek rejects Zeezrom’s temptation to deny the existence of God
Ask students to think of something they possess that is so valuable to them that they would never sell it. Invite a few students to tell what they thought of and why those things are so valuable to them.
Explain that Alma 11 continues the account of Alma and Amulek teaching the people of Ammonihah. As Amulek taught, he was confronted by a lawyer named Zeezrom, who offered money in exchange for something that was very valuable to Amulek.
Invite students to search Alma 11:21–22 to discover how much money Zeezrom offered Amulek, and for what reason. Have students report what they learn.
Point out that Mormon’s explanation of the Nephite monetary system inAlma 11:4–19 helps us understand the size of Zeezrom’s bribe. Help students understand that an onti was a piece of silver with the greatest value (see Alma 11:6, 11–13). One onti was equal to approximately one week’s wages for a judge (see Alma 11:3, 11–13), which means that six onties was equal to about six weeks of wages for a judge.

Why might Zeezrom’s offer have been enticing to some people?
Because money is highly tempting, and the Gospel is not as close in some people’s hearts as it was Amulek’s. Therefore for many people it would be easy to say, “ Nope, there’s no god and no savior.” Then, in their eyes, they just won themselves an easy hundred bucks (or whatever amount that equals).
Invite a student to read Alma 11:23–25 aloud.

What does Amulek’s response indicate about him?
His response indicates that he is faithful to the core and that his testimony is like a powerful fortress and will never be corrupted.

According to Alma 11:25, what did Zeezrom plan to do if Amulek accepted his offer? How is this similar to what Satan does when people give in to his temptations?
To help students identify how Amulek was able to resist Zeezrom’s offer, write the following on the board: I shall … nothing which is contrary to the Spirit of the Lord.
Invite a student to read Alma 11:22. Ask the class to look for the word Amulek used to complete this statement.

What other words could we put in the blank that might help us rely on the Holy Ghost to resist temptation? (“Do,” “think,” or “look at.”)
Ask students to state a principle based on Alma 11:22 that can help them remember how they can overcome temptation. While students’ answers may vary, they should reflect the following principle: When we rely on the Holy Ghost, we can overcome temptation. (You might want to suggest that students write this principle in their scriptures next to Alma 11:22.)

How do you think being sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost can help us overcome temptation?
If we always have the spirit with us, it will be so obvious when it leaves, almost like your hair is on fire. As soon as we feel this absence, we can take a step back and get out of the temptation/ situation.
Read the following counsel from President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

“If you are slipping into things that you should not slip into or if you are associating with people who are pulling you away in the wrong direction, that is the time to assert your independence, your agency. Listen to the voice of the Spirit, and you will not be led astray.
“… As a servant of the Lord, I promise that you will be protected and shielded from the attacks of the adversary if you will heed the promptings that come from the Holy Spirit” (“Counsel to Youth,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 18).
To help students understand and feel the importance of following the promptings of the Holy Spirit, ask the following questions:

What are some situations in which youth might be tempted to act contrary to their testimonies?
If I get a picture message from a friend of a test that I have yet to take with all the answers on it. It would be so easy to just ace that test, but the points from that test