The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory In New York City

Submitted By Lotus86
Words: 417
Pages: 2

On a late Saturday afternoon in the year 1911, a horrific fire began at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City in which over a hundred and thirty women died. According to writer, Robert Caro, “some [women] died of smoke inhalation piled against the doors [from] trying to get out, some were burned to death and some jumped out of the windows;146 young women died [in all]” (, 2011). In the year prior to the fire, the factory workers protested for more sanitary conditions as well as additional safety precautions. With that being said, it took the sight of dead bodies scattered across the sidewalks for safety standards to finally take place. The Triangle Factory had a profound impact on the regulations of private businesses. The newly established laws changed every aspect of the factory environment for the better. If business owners’ had dangerous machinery, it would have to be regulated by the law. Based on the regulations provided by the video, “women would not be allowed to work more than 54 hours a week” (, 2011). It is against the law to allow a child who is under the age of fourteen to work in a factory. The unfortunate tragedy of the Triangle Factory fire paved the way for safer working conditions across the country. In addition to business officials taking a stand by going to the state legislature and pleading that there needs to be reformed laws so a disaster like the Triangle fire does not repeat itself. Other state representatives such as Charlie Murphy, Al Smith, Robert F. Wagner, and Francis Perkins played important roles as well. Solid changes were made by the government to improve the working conditions of the factory workers. To provide a safe