treaty of versailles Essay

Submitted By mattycakes5
Words: 335
Pages: 2

1.2.1 The Paris Peace Settlement

•The representatives of 32 countries met in 1919 in Paris to draw up the peace settlement.
•The "Big Three" (France, USA and Britain) leaders were mostly in command of the decision makings and so was Italy but to a lesser extent.
•The settlement was created from five treaties; the Treaty of Versailles, St Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, Sevres/Lausanne.
•The Treaty of Versailles dealt specifically with Germany and was the major discussion during the draw up of the peace settlement whereas the other treaties dealt with the geo-political and economic future of Europe.
• The agreement containing the principles on which the League of Nations was to operate on took into account all five treaties.

1.2.2 The Treaty of Versailles

•June 1919
•Treaty with Germany
•Was signed in the Palace of Versailles
•Germany had to agree to accept full responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War

•June 1919
•Treaty with Germany
•Was signed in the Palace of Versailles
•Germany had to agree to accept full responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War

Territorial loses:
•The Saar administered by the League of Nations
•The creation of an independent Polish state
•West Prussia and Posen were given to Poland
•Alsace-Lorraine was given back to France
•Danzig was appointed as an international city
•Plebiscites in Upper Silesia, West Prussia and Schleswig
•Germany lost colonies and investments

Military Restrictions on