Toys By James Patterson

Submitted By pavpolunin
Words: 370
Pages: 2

* Toys by James Patterson * Takes place in the year 2061 * Set in a dystopian world where genetically engineered humans called elites rule and regular humans are the scum of society * The book follows the story of Hays Baker and how his world is turned completely upside down * At first, Hays and his wife live a happy normal life. They are both a part of the Elite Agency of Change and have two beautiful daughters * But, after Hays suffers a ten-story fall, the doctors find that Hays is not in fact an Elite, he is a human * Hays is then cast out and forced to fight for survival. Immediately, Hays gets a hold of his parents who tell him that he was genetically modified by them in order to spy on the Elites. This is because the humans know that the Elites have some sort of massive plan that could be disastrous for humankind. * Hays is then forced to go spy on the Elites again. Along the way, he meets his half-sister, named Lucy, as well as a few other comrades who are determined to bring down the rule of the Elites. * As the story progresses, Hays finds out that the Elites plan is to bring an end to the human race through toys infused with bombs. Owning toys has become almost a religion throughout this world and every single human in the world has at least one. * As soon as Hays realizes this, he is able to bring together the human leaders and tells them of the Elite plan. The humans know how to diffuse the bombs, so everything seems all