In the play ‘Macbeth,’ the story follows the tragic hero and eponymous character. Set in approximately 1000 AD the story gives a realistic, yet fictional view on the rise of Macbeth. He is a brave worthy soldier, valiant hero and a Thane or royal blood—but he is corrupted. Three witches prophesise a bright future for him; yet he chose a bloody path to fulfil his ‘destiny.’ Macbeth succumbs to the wickedness of his heart after being manipulated. His eventual downfall is no surprise as the brave Thane became a crazy tyrant. Macbeth is fully accountable for his downfall.
Macbeth was a fool who trusted the witches too easily. Macbeth’s foresight is clouded by his ambition; this obscured vision makes him guileless—which is unnatural for a soldier of his calibre. He hears that he will be king and places his full trust in these weird sisters of questionable motives. He hears a sweet prophecy and doesn’t speak, he just takes it in “Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear. Things that do sound so fair?” This is even more apparent as Banquo palpably doesn’t trust them. “Speak, then, to me, who neither beg nor fear. Your favors nor your hate.” Macbeth goes as far as to find out what they have to support this. “Say from whence. You owe this strange intelligence, or why. Upon this blasted heath you stop our way. With such prophetic greeting. Speak, I charge you.” Macbeth has a weak heart full of wicked desires and is convinced easily, he trusts easily; the witches aren’t the only ones who manipulate the fool. Lady Macbeth just has to question his manhood and Macbeth commits high treason. He is a fool who also selectively heard what they (the witches) said.
The witches never implied that Kingship was to be obtained by murder. “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” The witches did not specify any means to achieve any of the positions they told him. Macbeth’s downfall began even before it had started. He assumed the worst, and went through with it; no king can sit on a bloody throne. Macbeth and his wicked heart leapt to this conclusion, signalling that this thought had already crossed his mind. “This supernatural soliciting. Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor. If good, why do I yield to that suggestion. Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair. And make my seated heart knock at my ribs. Against the use of nature?” Macbeth was fully responsible for his downfall due to his attitude towards the prophecy and his rein.
Macbeth was a tyrant and his attitude during his reign played a