Opening The killer whale, also referred to as the orca whale or orca, and less commonly known as the black-fish, is a whale belonging to the dolphin family. Killer whales are found in all oceans. Killer whales are a species that have a diverse dietary habits, although individual populations often specialize in particular types of prey. Some feed exclusively on fish, while others hunt marine mammals like pinnipeds, and even large whales. Killer whales are the top of the food chain in the ocean (humans not counting in this situation) and have no natural predators thus making you an apex predator.
Killer whales are highly social. They have sophisticated hunting tendencies which I found Interesting as it sorta depends on the whales personality during research, as from what I found
Evolution Orcinus orca is the only known and recognized prehistoric derivatives of the modern day Orchas. We don't have much knowledge about there ancestors, so this could be speculation. But They look similar so from my point of view it is possible they could be related, somehow...........?....
Why I Chose Them I chose the killer whale as my choice because in most of the images I saw it was at the top of the food chain thus making it a an interest to me. Doing my research I learned that though they live in the multiple areas they are endangered which goes towards this project because I wanted to spread the word about the whales.
Types There are multiple types of the beast and they may be distinct enough to be considered different races, subspecies, or possibly even species. Though there are