Within Wetherspoon although we have a hierarchal structure we also have an open door policy we are encouraged to contact our line managers if we have ideas we can either use the tell Tim scheme which are read by him once a week or we can email John Hutson if we have any suggestions you will always get feedback on any idea you have submitted.
Within the four departments that I have shown, there are other departments within the main ones and they all link together less than one umbrella for example:
Property department with have maintenance department where we call if we have had an issue in the pub maybe a fire or a flood and we would call this department to help us fix the problem. But also under that Property heading is one called new builds it would be where our architects are designing a new pub they link to finance where we would go to purchase or lease a building.
Operations is our daily running of the pubs as a whole within this department is where you will find our customer service advisors. Our catering department who create the food that goes into our pubs and they also look at where they source the best food from suppliers. They work together with the retail audit team who make sure we are doing everything correctly as in line with company policy.
Legal department deals with all our licensing needs before you can even open a new pub they also deal with all the legal matters for the company ranging from going to residents meetings where people are upset if one of our pubs has been poorly managed they will go and reassure them that matters are being dealt with. They would also deal with any member of the public who may have had an accident and is claiming compensation.
Personnel department has four main departments, Recruitment where they advertise for managers, area managers and head office staff; they also deal with all the documents needed to induct a new staff member. They would they send them over to our Training department who would assess their training needs and set up courses they need to attend. All that information is passed to the personnel co-ordinators who set them up on payroll and give them all the information in a new starter pack and contracts. In personnel is also the advisors who are there to help with pub based queries i.e. Absence management etc.
All of the departments liaise together to ensure we are optimising our performance for example a member of staff has seen an empty building which could make a great pub we would email property, give them the information. They would go and view the property if they feel yes they could do something with it they would go to legal where they would approach the local council regarding planning and if we are able to use it as a pub, if they say yes and there are no objections from the public we would go back to property who then get a pub designed. Maintenance would get the builders in to start the building the pub. The operations team then look at the catering side and design a kitchen suitable for the pub. The retail audit team would help set up accounts to have beer delivered to the pub. Personnel department recruitment team would advertise that we have a new opening and require staff from pub manager to associate, training would go into the new pub two weeks before we open and train all the staff. They personnel coordinators would set up all the staff on payroll and issue any new starter packs of information required, including benefits, pay, contracts and what training is available to them should they wish to progress in the company.