| | |21 twenty-one |100 one hundred |
| 1 one |11 eleven |22 twenty-two |350 three hundred and fifty |
| 2 two |12 twelve |23 twenty-three |500 five hundred |
| 3 three |13 thirteen |30 thirty | |
| 4 four |14 fourteen |40 forty |1,000 one thousand |
| 5 five |15 fifteen |50 fifty |2,652 two thousand six hundred and |
| 6 six |16 sixteen |60 sixty |fifty-two |
| 7 seven |17 seventeen |70 seventy |5,000 five thousand |
| 8 eight |18 eighteen |80 eighty | |
| 9 nine |19 nineteen |90 ninety |1,000,000 one million |
| 10 ten |20 twenty | |2,000,000 two million |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Numeralul cardinal
Arata "in al catelea rand" se doreste sa se precizeze, sublinieze ceva. Exemple first(ly) = in primul rand second(ly) = in al 2-lea rand third(ly) = in al 3-lea rand fourth(ly) = in al 4-lea rand fifth(ly) = in al 5-lea rand sixth(ly) = in al 6-lea rand
arata ordinea: primul, al doilea, al treilea etc.
|Numeral |Numeral |Numeral |
|Cardinal |Ordinal |Ordinal |
| | ( forma I ) | ( forma II ) |
|1 |the1st |the first |
|2 |the 2nd |the second |
|3 |the 3rd |the third |
|4 |the 4th |the fourth |
|5 |the 5th |the fifth |
|6 |the 6th |the sixth |
|7 |the 7th |the seventh |
|8 |the 8th |the eighth |
|9 |the 9th |the ninth |
|10 |the 10th |the tenth |