Time Bomb Attack Case William Carl Shae was a disgruntled employee. He had requested permission to work from home in December 2002 because his daughter had diabetes. His requested was denied due to earlier privileges to work at home that were unproductive and the fact that he could not be reached. On January 6, 2003, the company presented Shae with a performance improvement plan and 11 days afterwards Shae failed to show up for work and therefore was terminated (FindLaw, 2007). The time bomb was discovered on January 30, 2003, the time bomb was discovered on the database. After further investigation, it was estimated that the time bomb had been on the system since December 9, 2002. It was also discovered that it was set to go off “any data greater than January 29, 2003” (FindLaw, 2007). When reviewing the theories that Shae would fall under, it seemed as if the case fell under a type of social theory. It is clear that Shae did not like the fact that he was denied permission to work at home; therefore the time bomb was placed on the database on December 9, 2006. One would feel certain that at most it was a matter of days from the request. As rapid as the time bomb was placed on the data base, the Gottfredson and Hirschi self-control theory seems to fit perfectly. The Gottfredson and Hirschi self-control theory is described as being one with a low-level of self-control generally lead to one to commit a crime. If a person has self-control, they can prevent themselves from committing crimes. This type of person tends to want immediate gratification, be insensitive, and impulsive (Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, & Holt, 2011).
Shae seemed have a well thought out plan, and even to the fact as to when the bomb could detonate. However, it did not seem that he could wait to have the time bomb in placed on the database, therefore he was insensitive to others, only thinking of payback. Shae made an impulsive move, and was focused on hurting the company. He displayed low self-control instead of being rational about the situation. He could have easily went along with the performance improvement plan, made an effort to work hard and prove himself,
days it seems every World power and some smaller nations have access to Nuclear weapons. After the U.S succesfully detonated the first and only nuclear Bombs to have ever been used in War up to this point in Time, Every major nation has aquired nukes. In the event of a nuclear Strike againts a nation every major city is a prime target. in the case of the U.S you can say that Some nations have their missles pointed at Washington D.C for it is the capitol of what some would call "the most powerfull…
problems. I did however, understand the high level of importance that comes with preparing our children in an attempt to keep them safe. I can imagine that if I were a child during that time I would have felt the urgency and done my best to prepare myself for my survival. Growing up I remember learning to be safe in case of an earthquake, tornado, or even a fire. I was really good at understanding the importance of following directions about these possible dangers. I felt that the idea of "ducking and…
Matthew Kroenig provides many faulty assumptions in his piece, “Time to Attack Iran.” In the rational computation of Iran’s nuclear progress and the major conflict that would likely unravel, brings me to the conclusion that is opposite of Kroenig’s: now is not the time to attack Iran. With the lesson of Iraq, it would be in the best interest of the United States to not attack. If we simply learn how to live with a nuclear Iran, it would not only save us time and money but also spare us a major war eruption in…
August 26th, 2013 Essentially, 12 years ago, America was under attack by terrorists, striking our world trade centers in New York City on September 11, 2001. Since then our nation and other nations around the globe have experienced other terroristic attacks. Terrorists such as, al Qaeda have been primarily responsible for some the world’s largest and most devastating disasters. America faces another large, possibly the most fatal attack on our people and economy, our nuclear power plants. Meanwhile…
International Relations, Military Operations, reserves, Prisons (prisoners), Extortion, Information, Recruitment and Finances. The members of the sub branches equate to around one hundred people. The operations carried out by ETA i.e. the terrorist attacks, are carried out by small groups of around three to five ‘commandos’ each of which are given a small geographic area of interest of which to operate within. These groups are usually self-sufficient and operate independently of the rest of the organisation…
and freedom of this country. Unfortunately, there are some Americans who have given up their sense of patriotism for reasons that are truly unreasonable. Therefore, I believe that we should be more concerned about threats that are from within. In the case of Edward Snowden, one has to ask what was his reasons for exposing classified information that contained global surveillance programs for National Security Agency (NSA). Snowden is an American who felt that peoples’ right to technology privacy was…
at the expense of laborers and echoed with Americans, its result lead to terrorism (King 2011). On September 16, 1920, an explosion tore through the streets of Lower Manhattan’s “Corner”. The Wall Street Bombing of 1920 was the deadliest terror attack on American soil until the Oklahoma bombing 75 years later. The blast killed 38 people and injured hundreds of…
Two bombs went off. At least three people died. Others lost limbs. More than 150 were rushed to the hospital. Police found at least two other suspicious packages in the area. Beyond that, there's a lot we don't know — including who did this, or why. “Any event with multiple explosive devices — as this appears to be — is clearly an act of terror, and will be approached as an act of terror," the White House told reporters on Monday. "However, we don’t yet know who carried out this attack, and…
system, but as well as being utilized by our American Armed Forces. Every day we hear about soldier being killed by roadside bombs commonly known as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). They have been the number one threat not only to our soldiers fighting in foreign wars in our history, but more presently and more widely known are events like the World Trade Center attacks on 11 September, 2001. Although we have seen the massive amounts of damage these devices have caused, it is less likely known…
agreement, the two began a juvenile diversion program in April 1998. Since they were first-time offenders, this program allowed them to purge the event from their record if they could successfully complete the program. So, for eleven months, the two attended workshops, spoke to counselors, worked on volunteer projects, and convinced everyone that they were sincerely sorry about the break-in. However, during the entire time, Klebold and Harris were making plans for a large-scale massacre at their high school…