Annotated Bibliography
Olsen, R. (2007, December 30). DWI court succeeds by keeping keen eye on offenders. StarTribune.
This article is mainly about how this one county district judge started a trial run of a program as a punishment for people who get DWI in his county. It talks about how this one person messed up his life and then was put in the program and has cleaned up his act and stayed sober. It also says that anyone in the program has not been charged with a new drunken-driving offense.
The History of DUI. (2014). Head,Thomas, Webb & Willis LLC. Retrieved from
The article is about the history of DUI and talks about the early drunk driving incidents. It also tells you about when and how the first recorded testing was done and who founded it. The article also tells you about when and why the first road test for dui was invented.
Drunk Driving Accidents Statistics. (2002-2004). Edgar Snyder. Retrieved from It’s about the statistics of drunk driving accidents. It shows people the different information on what happens when you are facing a DUI and what causes come out of getting a DUI. It does present a couple of graphs that are helpful when you are trying to get a point across.
“Consequences of Drunk Driving.” Talking Bar Breathalyzer Helps Prevent Drunk Driving. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2011. Retrieved from