After reading the article “Close Relationships Sometimes for the Mask Poor Communication” it opens my eyes completely. My husband and I have poor communication skills; cannot believe after being with this man for thirteen years, I have just notice the problem. You think we know each other well enough to understand each expression, tone and body language. We both have faults in our communication, I have trouble listening, where he absolutely loves to take over the conversation and correct me. What we both have in common; is cutting each other off. He explains to me that he does not notice himself doing any of that. Most of the time he is talking at me and not to me like a loving husband would or should. Half the time I feel like a five year old child who is being told what and what not to do, or being lectured. However, when confronting him, I am told I read too much into the situation and blow it out of proportion, or that I put words into his mouth. It’s unbelievable how one small article can open your eyes to a small issue that can become the downfall of one’s marriage? It states in the article, “Spouses sometimes communicate with each other no better than stranger’s (Health Days News, 2011). My personal opinion is talking to a complete stranger sometimes can be better. I have had some good random conversations with strangers who might be at the doctor’s office or parks, etc. Even though you need to be careful at times who you talk to, it’s nice, relaxing and refreshing to talk to somebody different now and then. Not always the same person you talk and see every day, such as your spouse, mother, father or sister. I have been with my husband for a long time, since high school. And to make our communication stronger we can first stop interrupting each other, letting us stop and take turns speaking. I can
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a story about two feuding families: the Montagues and the Capulets. Thirteen-year-old Juliet is a Capulet, and in the beginning she has no particular desire to get married and is willing to do what her parents ask her to do. Her parents are not pushing her to get married, either. When Paris asks Capulet if he can marry Juliet, Capulet is not particularly interested because she is his only child and he wants to be sure she is happy. The earth hath swallow'd…
hundred minutes. That is seventy hours a week. In a year I will sleep five hundred hours. That’s like two hundred nineteen thousand (219,000) minutes a year dedicated to sleeping. Then in my lifetime I will spend fifty thousand (50,000) hours. That is twenty-two million (22,000,000) minutes. That is about one hundred and thirty-two million (132,000,000) seconds. Which is also thirteen billion (13,200,000,000) milliseconds. This is also thirteen quadrillion and two hundred billion (13,200,000,000…
film Thirteen serves as a loud mouthpiece for the young, and an effective example of how pop culture can open our eyes and ears to the troubling reality of life in today's world for the emerging generations. If this is indeed their world and we haven't been listening, we'd better start paying attention. The reality Thirteen presents is anything but pretty, but it's true. A film about 13-year-olds written by 13-year-old Nikki Reed with help from writer/director Catherine Hardwicke, Thirteen takes…
demographic terms as a result of the loss of the thirteen American colonies through the American Revolution. But this shift was also due to three additional factors: the declining economic importance of the West Indies; Latin American independence; and the substitution of a free trade regime for a mercantilist system. The change meant that the British Empire shifted its geographic focus from America and the Atlantic to Asia and the Pacific. The loss of the thirteen colonies also meant that the population…
with but merely knows by a distance commits suicide. With this news clay also receives a package in the mail with thirteen taped recorded messages inside, plus a map with a number of places circled. There is also no return address. Clay plays the tapes immediately and is shocked to find out that they are from Hannah, giving thirteen reasons why she ended her life. Hannah speaks on thirteen different people and the role they played in her life. The tapes that she sent before her death ask each person…
was plagued by a self-absorbed, minimal perspective focused on myself. It took me until eighth grade to transform my selfish perspective into a wider perspective focused on individuals in much greater need than myself. Regretfully, it took me thirteen years of life to understand the art of compassion and to realize that there is always somebody who has it worse than myself. I’ll never forget the time when I came to the realization that there was more to life than trying to impress others and caring…
would give you a chance to get a good understanding of the child’s personality before you gave it a name. The next major part of a male child’s life is the bar mitzvah which is the passage from childhood to adulthood. This stage takes place at thirteen years of age, this is the thing I was most familiar with regarding the jewish religion prior to reading this chapter in the book. You see this celebration take place all the time in movies and television shows that are depicting a jewish way of life…
The Thirteen Colonies were the British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America founded between 1607 and 1733 . Individual colonies began collaborating at the Albany Congress of 1754 to demand more rights and set up a Continental Congress in 1774 that declared independence from Great Britain in 1776 and formed a new nation, the United States of America. The thirteen colonies were: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire…
Although delegates from each of the thirteen colonist met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1776 to decide the case for liberty in witch is now the United States. The whole main goal was to convince the states that the time had come for the united colonies to declare their independence from mother England. Its sounds like a lot to do witch it was, but it was an incredibly difficult time for the young United States. For more than a year, Great Britain and the thirteen colonist had been at war over the…
Michael Herring Dr. Kimsey November 2, 2011 DAR Paper Douglas’s IEP Assessment Douglas is a thirteen year old student that is sitting in on his IEP Assessment to see if he qualifies for special services to assist in his learning. Douglas is having problems with his speech development along with visual and auditory struggles. The IEP Assessment took place in one of school’s classrooms with Douglas being present during it. While he is struggling in these areas the teachers seem to point out his…